The Busy Giffs: You'll Only Like This Post If You're Pregnant.

June 21, 2011

You'll Only Like This Post If You're Pregnant.

So today we had to go to the store, again, for things I needed. Kinda irks me.  Thankfully we were going to visit my mom at work so we could do it all at once but otherwise, I would NOT have wanted to go run errands.  It made me think "I wish I had known to have all of that BEFORE she came" so this is my unsolicited advice to you, my list of supplies I couldnt live without for the week (or so) after little one joined us.

1. Colace, or any stool softener.  They gave me it twice a day in the hospital and as gross as it sounds, even soft, the first moevemnt is painful as hell.  I had to pick it up.

2. Tucks medicated pads. Usually used for hemmeroids or if you tear but I didn't have either... and I still would have cried if I didnt use them.  Scratch that, I DID cry... thank god my mom knew where t steer me for relief.

3. Pads.  Ya, I was told but I didnt realize HOW MANY I would need.  I killed a package of 32 supers between Thursday and Monday. Lots of blood and they are SUPER uncomfortable with the heat.  I had ONE package and definately had to go out and get more today.

4. Nursing pads... and a lot of them.  Right now my boobs leak if she starts crying.  I am literally wearing nursing pads all day long because they are just out of control until they get regulated.  I was given a box of 60 at my shower; I just bought another box because I DO NOT want to run out.  A big wet spot right over your nipple is neither comfortable nor attractive.

5. Sleeper gowns.
We were given two by my mom at the shower.  When we went shopping on Saturday, we bought two more.  Today, I bought 5 more.  They are the most convenient things Emmalee wears.  As light as a onsie but with the open bottom, there are no snaps or buttons or zippers.  All you have to do is pull it up and it's easy access to the diaper. The best part is: they are approved for sleep so a pajama day easily becomes bedtime :)

6. And speaking of bedtime. Mom bought us the Fisher Price Rock N Play Sleeper as one of our first baby gifts and I would be LOST without it. 

It is wonderful.  If she is not in mine or Dave's arms, she's in her sleeper. Emmalee sleeps in it at night, its small enough to be right next to the bed and I can pick her up without getting out of bed myself.  It's super lightweight and we bring it into the living room to sleep in during the day while Dave and I are in there.  it's collapsible so it's easy to carry around and the best part for us... it's too high for the pups to bug her!She has a bouncy seat but when she's in it, they try and kiss her.  In this, she's high enough that they can't.

So those are my top 6 things I NEEDED this week.  Hopefully, the list will help you get ready!

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