The Busy Giffs: It's Been A Week Already!

June 20, 2011

It's Been A Week Already!

Oh my goodness! Emmalee has already been around for a full week! It's just insane to me.  The week has flown by.  This weekend was especially busy.

Saturday was amazing and wonderful and I cant even put into words how much I loved it. David decided to go to the parade with my brother and my dad so I took advantage of spending the day with my mom and sisters while he was gone.  My mom is crazy and so amazing and so excited for Emmalee. When we got there she already had a bag full of pink blankets and clothes ranging from newborn to 0-3 months.  Pink cheetah pink leggings, purple polka dot onsies, all girly and all wonderful.  My mom commented that the outfit Em was wearing on Saturday was one of the outfits she had bought for her so we'd have to go exchange it. :) Needless to say, while running errands at the bank and going to the stores, we ended up with another bag of baby girl clothes when we exchanged one outfit.  Also, Mom brought me to BJ's and bought us a year membership! We have a BJ's right down the street and between the savings on gas and the amazing discounts on diapers and wipes.. I'm amped.  I never realized how many diapers a newborn would go through; we've easily used one and a half packages of diapers already.  Thankfully we have a TON right now so we'll be good for a bit more. We may have to buy more newborn sizes before she gets to the 1's but we'll see.  We visited friends, Emmalee went to her first baseball game, we went shopping at the mall and stayed at my moms until 11:30 when the boys finally got home. 

Sunday was another busy day.. and we started it with a tubby!! Emmalee is NOT a fan of baths yet, but if she's anything like me, she'll grow to LOVE them.

Going to meet Emmalee's great grandparents and some more family members at a clamboil.  She slept most of the day but Dave's dad is VERY loud (he puts my dad to shame), so she kept twitching and waking up :/
After, we came home and she got to meet her Godmother Nichole :)

It was SO wonderful having Nichole and Lizz over for a bit and since we saw one godparent, we had to go visit the other. We made plans to meet with Lakey at the Friendly's in Middleboro and kind of kill two birds with one stone.  Obviously, I wanted to get up there to show her off to my old coworkers and since he lives right down the street, it made sense! Can I get super excited for a minute?? she made it through a WHOLE meal!! She had to get changed but for our first trip "out", you know at a place where I cant just feed her when she cries, she did so well!  Her eyes were open and she was saying hi to people!

Another person she LOVES saying hi to? The pups! They have been so so good with her.  they like to come up to her and kiss the top of her head.  Anyone who knows Bailey knows she is an insane kisser, but with Emmalee, she does 2 and then backs away.  sable, who DOESNT give kisses, does the same thing.  If we put her in her yellow sleeper and put it near the couch, the pups will sit on the end of the lounge and watch her.  If shes laying on her back on the couch or the bed, they'll come lay with her.  Im just so happy that they are ok with her because thinking of having to get rid of them if there were problems scared the hell out of me.

I just uploaded a TON of pictures onto facebook.  I've taken 70+ pictures in the few days that we've been here and honestly, they are all of her.  I have a decent point and shoot camera, a Kodak easyshare but its only a 3x zoom and I already know what I'm asking Santa for... a new digital camera.  Mom bought us a great videocamera last christmas and we've already taken a ton of videos but I would REALLY like a new camera. I keep looking at digital SLR's and hopefully I'll figure out a way to get one without spending a small fortune!

Well, little one just woke up and my boob is strating to leak so I guess its time to go. <3

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