The Busy Giffs: September 2022

September 30, 2022

September Books


Oh man, I got caught up in the new school year and BARELY read.
I did hit my 50th book though so let's see how high I can go!

50. Blancaflor, Nadja Spiegelman & Sergio Garcia Sanchez
51. Family of Liars, E. Lockhart
52. You'll Be the Death of Me, Karen McManus

I love all of McManus' books so this was quick and easy and I love We Were Liars - the prequel was a great read! This month was light but I really enjoyed all three books.

Be sure to check out my Good Reads to see what I'm reading!

September 20, 2022

King Richard's Faire

 We love going to King Richard's Faire every year - it's like the kick off of Fall and this year was no different!

Be sure to try out all our favorites:

1. Eating a turkey leg.

2. Checking out the Accidental Acrobats.

3. Make a wish in the Fairy Garden.

4. Get Peasant Bread (Fried Dough)

5. Watch the Royal Joust!

We spent extra time this year exploring the shops to help build Em's Fairy Elf costume for this year's Halloween costume!

Be sure to check out King Richard's Faire before it closes October 23rd. The Faire is open every Saturday and Sunday. You can check out what the great themes every weekend are here!

Home Update - 1 year in!

We're a year in the house and we've been making our way through each room.  I feel like every project takes so long and each project...