The Busy Giffs: Top Toys at Toy Fair 2016

February 22, 2016

Top Toys at Toy Fair 2016

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Toy Fair in a day.... whirlwind is an understatement.
I absolutely could have spent 3 full days there but was able to see a lot in the one day that I did attend.

First off, how cool is it that I was accepted as press for Toy Fair? I am a very little blog so getting an acceptance for something like that is crazy to me! Thanks for reading this little piece of my life and getting me there!

There will be multiple posts over the course of the month for all the amazing things I saw but I wanted to start with the top toys I saw, things I fell in love with immediately.  In no particular order, a few of my favorite toys from Toy fair last weekend:

1. Fimo Clay

Any one else grow up playing with Fimo? I am so excited about the "rebirth" of Fimo, launching kid play kits complete with scenes for interactive play- they even have glitter polymer clay! I can promise that the Easter Bunny will be leaving some Fimo clay for Emma!

2. Yookidoo Water Toys

These things are adorable! The systems have spray hoses, googly eyes, and pipes that run water from the tub and since they use the water already in the tub, I don't need to keep the water running or worry about an overflow. I'm already dreaming of how easy it will be to wash the kids' hair with this adorable sprayer set! All the sets Amazon sells can be found here.

3. Comfy Critters hooded blankets

These are ridiculously adorable, and soft! It's a wearable, hooded blanket and it even has little hand flaps! Right now you can purchase a handful of designs, including a unicorn!, but a little birdie told me licensed characters like The Hungry Caterpillar, SpongeBob, Paw Patrol, and the Ninja Turtles will be gracing shelves soon...

4. Little Cosmetics

This was maybe the only booth the entire time that made me literally stop in my tracks.  I was on the phone with Dave and actually said "I need to go, right now" and hung up! Ha.  Emma is so obsessed with my make up and while I don't really mind, there is always the fear that she'll grab eye liner or lipstick and it will be a much bigger mess than just her overly pink cheeks.
Not only do these look real, but they feel real! I was amazed when I touched the "powder" compact and nothing came off on my finger!I'm torn between buying her the Sweetheart setthe Essentials Set, or the Beauty Set (all available on Amazon).

5. Floof and Bag O Dirt

Have you played with kinetic sand before? It is super cool. Bag O Dirt is similar to the kinetic sand but is much more "boy" oriented with a mini tractor trucks and big bug accessory kits.  My kids would love it and it's dirt I'm okay with having in the house!

The real show stopper from them was the Floof! It feels like marshmallow and clay had a baby. I could have stood there all day playing with it, it was so stress relieving. Neither will be released until later in the year but I promise I'll let you know when you can get your own!

6. Goldie Blox

I met Goldie Blox last summer at Blogger Bash and I fell in love. STEM activities targeted for girls.
The understanding of gears, pullys, and construction really helps develop little brains! I loved the parade float that was shown on Thanksgiving, but can't wait for even more sets to be released.

7. Green Tones

I spent waaaay too long at the Green Tones booth, literally just playing music! The instruments are all made out of wood and are adorable.  I really loved the baby bear shaker and the beginner drum set. You can find most of them right on Amazon.

8. MoYou Nails

I am totally obsessed with this nail set! I almost walked by the booth because I thought "it's just another nail kit" but it is so cool. She gave me a french manicure in less than 5 minutes! It was crazy! With normal nail polish, it lasted 4 days, however the design on my accent nail is still perfect. Amazon offers lots of different sets that fit any budget. I want to grab them for Emma because of how easy it will be do decorate her nails!

9. Tech 4 Kids Squishy Pops, Fash-Ems, and Vinyl Figures

There were so many things at the Tech 4 Kids booth that Emmalee would just love. Her big favorite right now is the Squishy Pops. She received a handful of  them after Blogger Bash and after getting another from Toy Fair, we've already purchased 8 more blind balls to add to her collection! She also loves the Fash-Ems and Mash-Ems and will be obsessed with the new vinyl figures they'll be releasing later in the year.

10. Plan Toy

These are so cool because they are all natural, organic rubber wood and they use every single piece of the tree.  The wooden pieces are made from the trees (that are already being cut down and are easily replanted) and then they collect the wood shavings, press them together, and create even more items from them!

I love the little penguin in the boat but the sets range from small figures to full blown scenes, you can see more sets here. I'd be happy to spend my money on an amazing sustainable company!

The problem with all these amazing toys is that I want to buy them all! Which are your favorites?

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