The Busy Giffs: Life Update - Gallstones and My Dad

November 10, 2015

Life Update - Gallstones and My Dad

Hello there!

It's been quiet here for a bit and with good reason.  My life has just been falling apart. Seriously. The week after going to the beautiful Seacrest Beach Hotel, I had a huge attack at work.  I wasn't sure what caused it but I couldn't breath, stand up, or move without sharp pains radiating through my entire chest, stomach, and back.

I was in the middle of my first class of the day and after the school nurse came down to check on me (benefit of working in a high school), she sent me to Urgent Care since my heart rate was at 122.

I spent 3 days out of work doing blood work, doctor's visits and ultrasounds to finally figure out that I had gallstones and had an attack from that.


A week later, I got a phone call from my mom that my dad, who had been fighting stage 4 cancer for over a year, was in the hospital again.  His body was having a hard time and was shutting down.  My head was there for the 4 days he was in the hospital and that weekend, he passed away. There's so much more to say but for now, this is all I can put in writing. We spend the next few days preparing to say good bye to him and then said our final good byes.


The next week, I had to get to work in my classroom.  I was so behind from missing 6 days in less than 3 weeks, that I ignored everything else, had panic attacks every day and forced myself to keep working even though most days I just wanted to curl up and sleep.

It was during this time that the doctors office called to confirm that I needed a gallbladder removal surgery. I have severe anxiety about anything surgical related so this was stressing me out for two weeks. I was a literal mess and other than focusing on helping to host my school's National Honor Society Trunk or Treat the night before Halloween, I wasn't much help to anyone.


Friday I had my surgery. Now mind you, I had a full blown, crying, panic attack as the anesthesiologist was talking to me about it all because... like I said, anxiety. But everything went well.  The doctor said I was one of his easiest surgeries all week and everything looks good.  I am out of work for a couple more days while I wean myself off the narcotics they gave me for pain and learn how much I can and cannot be on my feet while teaching.  I'm sure there will still be soreness for another week or so but I'm excited to get back into the classroom after being out so much this past month.

The nice thing about being out is that I have gotten ahead on my lesson plans, had time to email companies and have even more fun holiday posts coming up, and now that I feel caught up and normal again, I can get back to my regularly scheduled posting.

I'm happy to be back!

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