The Busy Giffs: It's a Half Birthday! 6 Months!

November 22, 2014

It's a Half Birthday! 6 Months!


I go back and forth between thinking he's a peanut and thinking he's this baby giant! He's grown so much in 6 months!
He's up to 15 lbs 9.5 oz and 27 1/2 inches. The doctor said he is tall (75th percentile) but is on the small side for weight (20th percentile).  There is no cause for concern right now but they did tell us that we could add some solids to his diet and we would weigh him again at his next appointment.


he still looks just like daddy and I don't think that red hair is going anywhere! We used to joke around that we would be so upset if we had a little redhead but his hair is just so adorable and everyone comments about how cute it is! It grows so fast too! it's already starting to look like it needs a trim.

He's constantly scooting around with a cut on his face. Whether he gets his face with his own nails, or bumps into something as he flies across the floor, he is all boy and bumps. He's wearing 3-6 and 6-9 month onsies and pants for the length, but they waistbands are too big so most of his outfits are one pieces sleep n plays lately. 

Firsts and Milestones:

We're doing the worm!
It's hilarious! He goes up on his knees like he's going crawl and then does this ridiculous looking worm dance movement and he's off! Sometimes he pushes off too hard and face plants, but he gets right up and starts going again.  He moves especially fast for cell phones, keys, and remotes. Typical.
He's also started pushing himself up on things.  If you're kneeling next to him, he'll use your knees to push his whole body up onto his knees.
He also sits up on his own, going from his belly to sitting on his bum. He'll then sit unassisted!


Some nights are better than others.
Some nights are still 2-3 hours of sleep, followed by 20 minutes of nursing and repeat, but there have been a few nights where I'll get 4-5 hours of sleep but those have become few and far between since about 5 months.

He usually takes one good nap between 8 am and noon, waking up to nurse and then goes back to sleep.  Then he's up until 7 or 8 pm.  he does not like naps but will fall asleep in the car every time.


We have started trying food.  We do some purees but just like his sister, he prefers to just eat real food. So far he's tried some oatmeal, bread, carrots, potatoes, pancakes, arrowroot cookies, mum mums, chicken, and turkey.

He loves feeding himself and will try and pull himself out of his chair to get food that is out of reach. He likes to hold spoons and his own food and anything he can get his hands on, goes in his mouth!


I have never met a more smiley little guy.  All day.  He is a super flirt with all of his nonverbal language. No real words but he screeches in excitement or if he's angry. He lets you know if he's hungry and rubs his eyes when he's sleepy.  he might be saying anything, but we know exactly what he wants.

His favorites:

Cellphones.  He LOVES them! He will scootch himself worm style until he gets to it! 
And food, obviously. He loves food. 
He is a big fan of his toys lately as well! If it's small enough to chew on or if it makes noise, he loves it! 
He's a big fan of Mommy and Emma's singing as well and his face just lights up!
And the cat provides hours of entertainment for him!

My favorites:

When I scratch/rub his head while he's nursing, his eyes roll into the back of his head and this huge smiles stretches across his face.  He just looks so happy and content in that moment!

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