The Busy Giffs: Baby Update: 31 Weeks

March 8, 2014

Baby Update: 31 Weeks

How far along? 31 Weeks - I forgot to post last week, it's been crazy around here!
Symptoms: Pregnancy brain, I've been a bit more stressed out lately, and my right hip constantly feels like it's popping out.  Looks like a chiro visit is in my future.
Total weight gain/loss: +7
Maternity clothes? Still able to wear my pre-preg pants! I just have them below my bump.  I'm in mostly maternity shirts but a few of my longer pre-preg shirts still are long enough so my belly isn't hanging out the bottom. As much as I'm loving leggings, I can not wait for the warmer weather so I can wear cute dresses all of April.
Sleep:  Really happy with how well I've been sleeping still. However, because of so much stress between work and my Masters I find I'm exhuasted all day, even if I do only wake up once a night. Last night I fell asleep at 8:15 with Emmalee. I'm okay with it.
Best moment this week:  Knocked out two of my observations for my Masters program and both went really well, David packed up the first couple boxes while I was at school on Thursday and our taxes came in!
Movement: Most days it feels like he's playing the drums on my stomach from the inside, or he's trying to escape by pushing straight out. Not always comfy.
Food cravings:  Nothing really weird this week.  Still loving fruit (especially canned pears), and since talking about the local seafood place opening up for the season, I've been dreaming of some fried shrimp and lobster bisque.
Gender: Boy!
Labor Signs: Nope, and it needs to stay that way.
Belly Button in or out?  In. But way shallower.
What I miss: Being able to go, go, go. Any other semester I'd be able to easily juggle working full time, buying a house, and a full semester but this baby makes me so tired and I need to sit more than I used to.  I feel like I should be able to get so much more done but then I'm just too tired.
What I am looking forward to: Getting this house clean! We've had a commitment every single day/night for the past two weeks and the house has definetly suffered for it. Today's plans include laundry, dishes, and cleaning everything! Hoping to get some boxes packed as we clean!
Weekly Wisdom:  TJ Maxx is the greatest store in the world. 
Milestones:  I can now say I'm due in 2 months (and 2 days)!

1 comment:

  1. You are doing amazing for 31 weeks! 7 pounds gain? wow! I think I gained 15 pounds by then and not able to wear my pre-prego pants!! haha I totally agree that TJ Maxx is the greatest store in the world, along with HomeGoods!


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