The Busy Giffs: Baby Update: 28 Weeks

February 15, 2014

Baby Update: 28 Weeks

How far along? 28 Weeks
Symptoms: Pregnancy brain, lower back pain, and I'm just sleepy some days.
Total weight gain/loss: +6
Maternity clothes? I still fit into my prepregnancy pants and this week fit into pants smaller than I used to! Not sure how I pulled that off! However, the past few days I've just wanted to wear sweatpants and oversized clothes.  I FEEL big lately.
Sleep:  I actually had two nights of full uninterrupted sleep this week which is pretty awesome.  Emma isn't waking up as frequently so that's helping too!
Best moment this week:  Meeting with my principal and getting a glowing review/assessment from her, having a boxful of baby clothes and maternity clothes dropped off in my classroom, and roses showing up at work from the hubs!

Movement: Constantly moving.  I wish I could tell if he's breech still and he's kicking down, or if he's flipped and is punching down.  The movement is everywhere!
Food cravings:  A friend made chocolate covered strawberries and posted them on facebook so I wanted them badly.  She brought one to class for me and then the culinary dept at my school made them and were selling them for 20 cents so I bought a whole dozen! I'm finding I'm really not hungry lately. It's weird.
Gender: Boy!
Labor Signs: Nope, and it needs to stay that way.
Belly Button in or out?  In. But way shallower.
What I miss: A lot of my clothes. My belly has popped enough that lots of my shirts don't cover the bottom of my belly!
What I am looking forward to:  It's officially school vacation week! This week we are looking at houses, escaping to Connecticut to go to an indoor waterpark, going to Disney on Ice, celebrating my 28th birthday (!), and getting a ton of lesson planning/school stuff done! Next vacation I'll be 37 weeks along!
Weekly Wisdom:  Calories don't count on holidays!
Milestones:  Even though we passed vitality week, baby's lungs are grown enough that if born today he'd be able to breathe on his own! That's crazy!


  1. Congratulations on your glowing review! And I think your hubby did an excellent job of picking out roses!

  2. With my babies 28 weeks was something I clung to... I felt like, if I could just make it that far, I knew they would be OK. Congratulations on your milestone and best wishes on the final stretch!

  3. Congratulations to you. I hope you'll post updates when you give birth to your baby. baby stuff for sale philippines


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