The Busy Giffs: Three Months Shy of 2!

March 13, 2013

Three Months Shy of 2!

In just 3 short months my little girl will be two!
My goodness!
She is growing so much everyday.

At 21 Months:

She is in 24 month clothes and her favorite clothes are anything at all that have Minnie, Mickey, Ariel, Cinderella, or Elmo on it!
She likes to help pick out the clothes (if you hold 2 up to let her have a choice) otherwise, she'll say "no" and not want to wear it.
She can put her arms in her sleeves all by herself.
She can put on her shoes all by herself, even if they end up on the wrong feet sometimes.
She loves "shoes", which she says, and will often put my sparkly ones on and walk around.

She loves loves loves the tub but hates having her hair washed.
Teeth brushing is a fight every day. She likes to brush her teeth but she does not want help.
Pig tails and pony tails are a daily occurrence, and she still loves bows and clips.

Says: that?, 2, shoe, ma, dad, bay (Bailey), no, uh (up- complete with hand movement), Ake & Zee (Jake & Izzy), Huh (Hook), hi, bye, ishies (goldfish crackers) and tons more that I can't think of...
She does this hilarious "ahhhhhh" gasp when she sees something she thinks is amazing.
She also makes a "mmmmmm" sound when she is "giving love", hugging mom or dad or one of her dolls. 

She loves watching Bubble Guppies, Sophia the First, Jake and the Neverland Pirates, Timmy Time, Octonauts and Little Einsteins.
We have actually used our Cinderella DVD so much that it's starting to skip!
Emma always picks out Cinderella or the Little Mermaid to watch!
She will grab a book and climb up into her rocking chair and "read" or get paper and pen and lay on her belly and color.
She loves her Disney castle and the princesses that she has. 
One of her favorite toys is a princess jack in the box. 

We have been pretty lucky and her temperamental eating days are few and far between (knock on wood!).
She still thinks the food on my plate tastes better than the food on hers but can usually be redirected back to her own. 
She loves chicken, kielbasa, turkey, meatloaf and starches like rice, potatoes. She usually eats all of her vegetables as well!
She loves yogurt, french toast, mandarin oranges, pears, peaches, Life cereal, Cheerios and bacon!
Her favorite snacks are grapes and Goldfish crackers!

She loves animals, even pointing out birds as they fly over us.
Her zoo book is one of her favorites, making animal noises as we read : "bah bah", "wah wah", "raawr", "ssssss", "oooh ooh" and even puts her hands on her face and makes kissing noises to sound like a fish!

Even bed time is easier!
She goes down without a fight and sleeps all night.
She has decided that she doesn't like being put in her crib for naps anymore.
She doesn't like naps but will often fall asleep midactivity... fast down if she was coloring, curled up if she was watching something on tv, in her car seat if there are errands to run...

She had her first "mom, don't go meltdown" the other night but it was the first time.
Normally, everyone gets a kiss (even if they aren't leaving!!) and she runs off to play again.
The best is coming home and she's peeking out the window with a big smile or when you open the door, she makes the excited gasp noise the comes running!
Makes my heart burst!

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