The Busy Giffs: Keep Up.

February 27, 2012

Keep Up.

I'm exhausted and have about 5 more minutes before I'm going to pass out so here's a quick catch up...

1. We are on our second night of no sleep. 
After bringing Emma to the doctor this morning we found out our poor baby is suffering from teething, a head cold, an ear infection and rug burn on her nose from falling while trying to stand on her own.
Thankfully she is on Amoxicillan now so we should hopefully see an improvement.

2. I'm actively job searching.
I'm being selfish and saying I am so unhappy that I need to take care of my happiness first. Hopefully there will be a couple of changes, can't say for now!, and things can get realigned.

3. We are getting a faaaabulous tax return. 
I can't wait. It will be a 100% catch up. Plus we'll have left over to pad our savings account until we can find better paying jobs.

4. I filled out my FAFSA tonight. 
I am literally 2 classes and a practicum (or equivalent) away from walking for a Masters degree.
Considering our current incomes and debts, I see no reason why I shouldn't get a good amount of funding.

5. I am currently obsessed with the Hunger Games trailers. Someone needs to be my date.
Clearly, the commercial just acme on and I stopped long enough to watch it.

6. I have the next two days off and other than dinner plans with friends, I'm not doin' shit.


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