The Busy Giffs: What I Learned Today...

September 12, 2011

What I Learned Today...

1. People with crappy dogs have ruined renting for people like me. It is next to impossible to find a place that will take dogs because "we've had problems renting to people with animals in the past". That's great; their dog sucks, mine doesn't. We found a really great rental and we are going to look at it tomorrow but were told not to get too excited because he really doesn't want to rent to people with dogs but since we sounds decent, we can take a look anyways.

2. Getting out of the house sans baby= 3 minutes.
    Getting out of the house with Emmalee= 8 minutes
    Getting out of the house with Emmalee and David= 14 minutes.

3. I hate the south end of New Bedford with a passion and I can not wait to move out of this city. I miss the ocean and trees and space. More importantly, I don't want Emmalee in the New Bedford school system. I don't care of much of a bitch I sound like.

4. Pregnancy brain is a real thing and lasts well past the birth. Case in point: The envelope I've been looking at since 8 am to out in the mailbox, just went out there.

5. People are great and my daughter is loved by so many. I literally unpacked 4 boxes of clothes that were given to us by friends whose daughter's had already out grown them. She is so spoiled and I dont see that changing anytime soon.

6. It is completely possible to buy $32 worth of Huggies wipes for 5.96. I'm a crazy couponer and I feel wonderful about it. I can give my family what they need but don't worry about going broke. Also, I was able to pay ALL (and yes it deserves bold and capital letters!!) of our bills! We are.... wait for it... wait for it... current on every one of our bills!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Now to most people this isn't huge but to two people who were out of work for 3 months getting no income in the house at all, this is huge to me and David. I didnt expect to be "back on our feet" (I mean, we're almost there) until Christmas time.

7. It is never too early to think about Christmas. I put a convertible car seat marked from $90 to $35 on layaway for Emmalee. No, it's not a "fun" toy but she'll be 6 months old so seriously, she wont even remember what she got for Christmas. And yes, we've already started our wish lists. :)

8. And last but not least, I am obsessed with Adam Levine. It's fine. I dare you to listen to this and not want to sing it all day...

Or this...

Which brings me to the next part of my post....

I'm linking up to Join the Gossip to share! Nothing but unadulterated Man-ness.

Who should I feature next time?


  1. I LOVE LOVE LOVE Adam! He is super sexy! Great choice!! Visiting from MCM =)

  2. Yay! Great choice! He is undeniably hot!!

    Thanks so much for linking up and joining in on the fun :)

  3. he is my dream man. loooove him! great pick (:

  4. Congrats on getting back on your feet! These are def hard times and I'm really proud of you! I def need to learn some of your couponing tricks!

    And Adam...oh Adam! There's something about a man who can sing the kind of songs he does and has tats that is so irresistable!

  5. Oh I love Adam...

    even if he sings like a gal ♥

    Love his body,

    tatts and all... so hawt!


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