The Busy Giffs: 25.

February 21, 2011


I am 25. Holy hell.

This is going to be a long blog so I hope you're ready for it...

This weekend I was celebrating. I am 25 years old. I seriously can not believe that I am that old right now. I debating writing a few times this weekend but everything was so crazy, it just didn't happen. I'll start at the beginning. I cant promise I'll follow through with a timeline because, let's face it, I get distracted and go off on rants but I'll do my best.

Saturday was a mixture of wonderful and terrible but I will do my best to focus solely on the positive.  We woke up early in the morning to bring the pups to the kennel for the night.  Of course we couldn't find their paperwork and we spent an hour figuring out how to get a fax from Plymouth so we could get them boarded. Of course, it all worked out fine and we were on our way.  We made it to New Haven and had lunch with David's side of the family, Grammie, Pappie Joe, Donna and Nick.  I seriously adore them. I HATE that they live so far away and it just takes forever to get there.

Did you know that there is a Sonic in CT? Only 15 minutes from his grandparents house?  Did you also know that going to a Sonic is on my bucket list? Yey! KBiss and Heather met us there and $34 worth of crap later, we were fat kids eating everything in sight at Sonic. Don't judge. 

Mohegan was great.  And yes, I am focusing on the good.  It was very upsetting for me because between 3 and 5 I received 6 or 7 texts from people who had been telling me for weeks that they were coming, suddenly weren't.  I get it, things happen. But to 7 people all at once? Hmm. Needless to say, I reevaluated some things and decided rather than thinking about how crappy it was that my friends couldn't waste the time to drive down and celebrate, I opted to celebrate with those who did matter.  I had a great time and that's what matters, right? We didn't win any money. We didn't eat at the restaurant I had wanted to and we had an extra guest in our hotel room that night but in the end, I had a good time. Fuck everyone and everything else, right?

As negative as that sounds I want to be more positive.

Today was amazing. I had the entire day off and I spent it at my moms.  We didn't do anything amazing. We went shopping, grabbed lunch, did some more shopping, she cooked me birthday dinner and funfetti cupcakes, and we sat around watching tv and opening presents.  Seriously, amazing  I don't remember the last time I got to just relax and spend the whole day with my mom and siblings.  I know it sounds silly but they keep me grounded and remind me to just relax sometimes.  My mom is so excited about the baby that everything is so much fun.  We bought baby clothes today and David and I looked at a stroller and car seat set.  Its just wonderful knowing that I have such an amazing support system in place. Abby was helping me pick out maternity clothes and my mom had an armful of newborn onsies before I had even gotten to the kids section.  It's so overwhelmingly amazing. I seriously cant wait.

Since I started my list of gifts, I guess I should continue..

Baby Clothes
Coach bag
Maternity Clothes
Coldstone Creamery gift card
Borders gift card
The Bro Code (aka. barney Stintson's Bible on How I met Your Mother. In case you didn't know, I'm obsessed with that show)
a candle from Margaritaville
a present charm from Pandora for my bracelet
and my e-reader that we already know about!

Yikes, I am so spoiled!

Also, I need to tell you about Judy. Judy is a blow up doll that my brother Nick bought for David as a joke wedding present.  We responded by sending it back to him as part of his Christmas gift.  Well, today Just came back in the form of a birthday present. We've got big plans for her... stay tuned.

But back to the birthday.. seriously, I am 25.  Now, I never thought Id be at this point in my life.

I knew I'd grow up and all but when I was younger I figured I wouldn't be married and the idea of my own family never crossed my mind.  I wanted to travel the world and save the orphans of the world.  Being tied down to a man and kids wasn't my thing.  However, there was a point where everyone else was determining their lives and I guess my vision didn't fit so I modified it. Seventh grade was a different world. My best friend wanted 6 kids and to be married by the time she was 23.  My expiration date became 25 years old.  I told myself if I was going to do the "right thing" and get married/have a family, it would need to be by the time I was 25.  So I imagined 25 as my expiration date, I had to do it all by then.  I imagined a full-time teaching job, a husband, a kid and a house by the time I was 25.  At 23, I had none of that. Now at 25 I'm starting with an amazing husband, a baby on the way, a very comfortable place to live and my foot 3 quarters of the way into a couple school systems. Maybe it's not what I imagined but I guess for 25 I'm doing ok. 

It's funny that I gave myself such high expectations because I look at my friends and already think I'm light years ahead of them.  Not that it's a bragging thing, but I feel like I'm on a different wavelength than most of them.  I don't need to go out drinking, I'm already married and expecting a family.  A couple of them are engaged, but it's still in the planning stages.  I have two very good friends who are married but babies aren't in their immediate future so I feel like I'm kind of on an island by myself.  It can be quite isolating.  There are friends who are pregnant but under different circumstances and the mindset is different.  Part of me wishes I could slow down until everyone else catches up but I guess I was always destined to set my goals ahead of everyone else. I will be very happy though when I don't feel like I'm on this island by myself.

This is seriously a ridiculously long blog.
Let's not prolong it. Good night. <3

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