The Busy Giffs: Winter Sick & the Braun Forehead Thermometer

January 18, 2014

Winter Sick & the Braun Forehead Thermometer

Ugh. Winter sickness has taken hold of our house, well, it did.  I'm 92% sure it's gone now but I'm afraid I'll jinx myself!

Hubs came home from work ill and within hours we all were.
Do you know how hard it is to take care of a sick 2 year old when you literally can't even hold down Gatorade?!
It was a rough day.

The hardest part of taking care of a sick little girl is that she still wants to be little miss independent and do everything herself... get her own drink, pour her own medicine, take her own temperature...

Thankfully Braun has made a thermometer even she can use herself!

It's a one button push design and the bright screen immediately turns red, yellow, or green so you can quickly and easily see the temperature, even if the toddler refuses to hand it to you...

I found a few variations in the temperatures and I'm not sure that it as accurate as other thermometer "methods" but as a quick and easy screen, I highly recommend this thermometer!

So glad Influenster let us try it out!

Disclaimer: "I received these products complimentary from Influenster for testing purposes."


  1. Influenster just came to Canada so far we have just had one box and I loved it... Nothing as awesome as that thermometer though! I would love to have one of those it seems like I have pin down my kids just to get there temperature read.

    Amanda @ The Mommy Mix

  2. one of those thermometers that you brush across the forehead, and it's fantastic. The kids think it's neat, it only takes a couple of seconds, it could be used if they were asleep, and it's so easy that you can take several readings and compare them.

    I think they are properly called "temporal artery thermometers" and this is one which looks like what we have (though no endorsement express or implied, etc., etc.):
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