The Busy Giffs: 2014, Resolutions and 30 by 30

January 21, 2014

2014, Resolutions and 30 by 30

Can you believe January is already almost over? Seriously?
This whole year is just going to fly... I can feel it.

We have so much to be excited about this year.
I've "settled in" to my job teaching, baby #2 is on the way and we're even starting to look at buying a house!
2014 should be even better than 2013.

It got me thinking about my "resolutions" and my 30 by 30 list.

I don't usually do the typical resolutions but I have a few things I'm hoping to focus on this year.

1. Be more present. 
Emmalee is quickly growing up and she'll seem so much bigger when the new baby comes along.
It's easy to get caught up in emails, Facebook, Pinterest, and grading at night but I've been working on really using my prep period so the work I take home can be minimal so I can spend my precious minutes with her. 

2. Take more time for me (and Dave).
As much as I need to be there for my babies, I need to be there for me too. I always say I'm going to do more things for myself and never do. I just want to not feel guilty when I go to the hair salon, or dinner with a friend. There's nothing wrong with getting a babysitter once a month so I can have the me time I need, whether it's with myself or if I invite David.

3. Follow through.
I am the queen of to do lists and if it's on the list, it will get done but you know what never gets put on the list? Seeing friends. I always find a way to "need" to do something rather than just spend the afternoon out with a friend.  I miss a lot of them and this year I want to focus on reconnecting.

Those are it.  My three "resolutions".
And of course, I still have my 30 by 30 list.
I turn 28 next month so the time is ticking!

Here's how it looks right now:

1. Be an English Teacher (have my own classroom)
2. Have baby #2.
3. Buy a house.
4. Own a pair of Manolos.
5. See a show ON Broadway.
6. Run a 5k.
7. Weigh 150 lbs again.
8. Get my Masters degree.
9. Do a photography challenge for a month.
10. Pay for someone else in the drive through behind me.
11. Get my palm read/fortune told.
12. Go to a blogging conference.
13. Re-learn how to sew and make a blanket from Em's old clothes.
14. Own a car that's less than 5 years old.
15. Go for a weekend trip to Martha's Vineyard.
16. Adopt a family for Christmas.
17. Buy a bicycle. A regular old fashioned bicycle.
18. Go to Vegas for my 30th! (even if it's only for 1 night!)
19. Start (and keep) a vegetable garden.
20. Spend a day getting pampered.
21. Learn to crochet or knit.
22. Buy brand new furniture.
23. Have dinner out with my husband at Top of the Hub or go to Blue Man Group (he's never been!)
24. Wear a bikini to the beach... no cover up.
25. Bring Emmalee to see the Rockafeller Christmas Tree.
26. Do a boudoir photo shoot.
27. Go to a group fitness class.
28. Buy an original piece of art and frame it in our house.
29. Go on our first family vacation (must be out of state, can't be CT)
30. Make a list of 100 things that make me happy.

I made a good dent and I alreday know a few things will be marked off in 2014 and I'm so excited!


  1. Congrats on having marked off so much on your to do list! Looks like you're on your way!

  2. I have heard that crochet is easier than knitting. I taught myself with a book from my mom. That one is totally do-able this year....minus the new baby and toddler thing! Haha! Can't wait to see photo's of your new baby! I'm preggo with my first (16 weeks!) and am excited for this journey!



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