The Busy Giffs: 24 Organizations to Support so America is Great for Everyone

January 19, 2017

24 Organizations to Support so America is Great for Everyone

I don't get political all that often. I like to believe that the government works towards the common good but it seems like the country no longer knows what the common good is...

We are such an absolutist, hyperbolic society now. I can't say " I like peanut butter and jelly" without someone attacking me for not liking Fluff, and honestly, it's a bit ridiculous.  When did every day become "the worst ever"? When did we start attacking people for saying they support something and assume that it means they are against something else?

It is no secret that I lean to the left.  I went to public schools. I grew up having everything I needed, and much of what I wanted, but I knew how much my parents worked for it. I went to a state college and used Federal and Private loans to finance it. I got a job working in a public school.  For years, I worked multiple jobs. Weeks before my daughter was born, my husband and I needed assistance after a series of unfortunate events and found ourselves changing from a couple who had 2 full time salaries and a savings account to a family that needed WIC and SNAP.

Maybe I'm a bleeding heart liberal. Maybe I understand how important these programs are because I know how quickly life can change and how you may not have ever expected to use them, but they end up saving your, or your child's, life. Maybe I just know what empathy is.

I will not be watching the Inauguration  I respect the office of the President.  I respect our government and our flag, but I do not respect the ideals that have been spewed during this election. Instead of watching the Inauguration, I'll be making lots of donations to lots of organizations that have been attacked in the election. I don't make a lot and I won't make a huge difference but I'll be able to show these organizations that they still matter, at least to me.

If you want to follow suit and make some donations today, I invite you to check out the following organizations that need support, now more than ever.

If you care about education, might I suggest making a donation to one of these organizations?
Network for Public Educationdonate here.
Peace Corps Let Girls Learndonate here.
The NEA Foundationdonate here.

To continue supporting for equal rights regardless of who you love, check out these organizations:
Human Rights Campaigndonate here.
The Trevor Project , Crisis Intervention and Suicide Prevention for LGBTQ: donate here.
National LGBTQ Task Forcedonate here.

Think that women should be treated as equals and allowed to take control of their own bodies? These organizations could use your support:
Planned Parenthood: donate here.
Center for Reproductive Rightsdonate here.
Know Your IXdonate here.
RAINN (Rape, Abuse & Incest National Network)donate here.
DOVE (Domestic Violence Ended)donate here.
End the Backlog (of untested rape kits)donate here.

Agree that climate change is a real thing? Donate to these:
The Natural Resources Defense Funddonate here.
Greenpeacedonate here.
EarthJusticedonate here.
National Resources Defense Councildonate here., a climate focused campaign: donate here.
Citizens Climate Lobbydonate here.

Want to support all US Citizens, even those who may not have been born here, or are working to become citizens? Look at these organizations:
National Immigration Law Centerdonate here.
American Civil Liberty Uniondonate here.
Feeding Americadonate here.
Families USA, which fights for high quality healthcare for all: donate here.
International Refugee Assistance Projectdonate here.
Race Forwarddonate here.

There you go! 24 amazing organizations that need your love and support, now more than ever.

If these 24 organizations are not enough, or maybe too much, but want to keep making a difference, every month the amazing people at Effing Fight will pick a different organization to donate to so you can continue to support those who need it most!

And if you're looking for a souvenir, might I suggest grabbing a Less Hate More Love Tee ($19.99 - 15% of proceeds donated to the Orlando Victims Go Fund Me) or a Feminist AF Tank, only $30 - and there's also a matching mug (only $15)! Seriously, go buy anything from the Human Rights Campaign, like their braided bracelets or the new Hate Won't Make Us Great shirts, because anything bought from HRC directly supports HRC's fight for LGBTQ equality.

And then contact your representatives and let them know what you feel and who and what they should and shouldn't be supporting.  Their job is to fight for their constituency; you need to tell them what you want them to fight for (I promise their information is easy to find!).

I don't know what the next four years hold for this country, but I know in my heart what I support and will continue to.

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