Let's be real honest... 2016 was a pretty terrible year, right? At least that's what all of social media is saying, but I've never been one to dwell on the bad so I'm spending some time looking at all the good that has happened this year, as well.
A month by month recap:

Tyler moved to a big boy bed.

...and it snowed. A lot.

Emma started dance classes.

and I turned 30.


Colored Easter eggs,

and started working on our basement playroom.

Busy month! Started with celebrating a friends baby:

Took our yearly trip to Provincetown,

Upgraded Tyler to a big boy Star Wars bedroom,

Brought Emma to the Wizard of Oz in Boston,

and finished up the basement playroom (for now).

Tyler turned 2,

The kids had a joint birthday party,

We got to test drive a car for 6 weeks,

I finally saw The Used live,

I got an amazing Mother's Day card,

We built a patio area off the deck,

And I got to chaperone Emma's field trip.

I completed an Overnight Walk,

Emma turned FIVE,

and had her first dance recital,

We went to Sesame Place,

and I got super personal about my body.

Celebrated the 3rd of July,

Went adventuring,

Brought the kids to their first Red Sox game,

Got Emma's ears pierced,

Saw Luke Bryan with my sisters,

Attended Blogger Bash in NYC,

and brought Emma to her first concert - Darius Rucker!

Dave and I celebrated our 6th wedding anniversary in Newport,

Finally saw a Cirque show, and brought the kids,

Had pictures of Emmalee taken in my wedding dress,

Saw Zac Brown Band at Fenway,

Both kids started school!

and I started my 5th year of teaching.

Brought back to school crazies and Emma's Open House for Kindergarten!

Visited the Pez Factory,

Dave and I went to New York Comic Con and Beetle House,

We went back to King Richard's Faire,

Adopted some fish,

and celebrated Halloween, Pokemon style.

We spent some time at Boston Comic Con,

I went blonder, and Emma drew the best picture of me getting my hair cut,

and we had family pictures taken.

Started with our annual trip to Provincetown,

Brought Emma to see the Nutcracker and celebrated my mom's 50th birthday,

And had a wonderful 4 day stretch of Christmas.

It's so easy to get caught up in the bad, but when you focus on the good, everything just seems better...

I can't wait to see what 2017 brings us.