The Busy Giffs: Apple Crisp for Two... Or One!

November 12, 2015

Apple Crisp for Two... Or One!

I think I'm the only "basic white girl" who doesn't love pumpkin, or pumpkin spice, or coffee... I digress. Give me yoga pants, leggings, duck boots, oversized sweatshirts, and plaid infinity scarves and I fit the "basic white girl" bill, except for my un-love of all things pumpkin.  Maybe once in a while I'll light a pumpkin vanilla candle, but that's it.

So when September rolls around I'm in love. September is the holy month of Fall before Pumpkin takes over. As of October 1st, pumpkin is king and the apple disappears, which is not okay with me.
I would eat apple everything all day, like my caramel apple dippers, yum.  But sometimes, I just want some warm apple pie and as a full time working mom, I don't have time to make a full pie every time I want a piece of warm pie.

Apple Pie for One or Two recipe

So I came up with a super easy Apple "pie" for Two, but let's be honest, I eat it by myself a lot.

I use a small Corningware white ceramic dish and cut one large apple into thin slices.
Place in the dish.
In a small bowl, I combine 1/4 cup light brown sugar and 1/4 cup rolled oats.
I melt 2 Tbs of butter and mix it into the sugar and oat mix.
Spoon the mixture over apple slices.
Bake at 350* for 20 minutes or until the apples are soft.
Obviously, enjoy it with a scoop or two of vanilla ice cream.

1 comment:

  1. That's looks delicious. Can you please share the full recipes for this dish. And now you can watch the By the Sea movie online for free in high definition at our website for free of cost. Watch By The Sea Online Free


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