The Busy Giffs: Make Time to Play!

August 24, 2015

Make Time to Play!

Well, tomorrow marks back to school for me and I'm honestly very sad about it.  I have spent so much time this summer with my kids just having fun. We went to Disney World, to the Assonet/Freetown Splash pad, to the Cape Cod Children's Museum, and to the Capron Park Zoo, to name a few, but we also spent lots of days just imagining on the living room floor or in the back yard.

We've had fashion shows, pirate adventures, 'arts and frafts' time, and at one time had every single Fisher Price Little People play set in our living room. Santa was going to Disney World and he needed the farm there for fresh veggies... it was hilarious, but most of all, it was all from my daughter's wonderful imagination.

As I'm typing this, she's using the vacuum as a microphone stand, singing "Ring Around the Rosie"...

I am in awe of her ability to take the most ordinary items from our house and create something else out of it. You don't need fancy toys with lots of directions.  You just need some space for them to play.  The video below from The Genius of Play shows how creative some kids can get with the items they already own:

You can find lots more ideas for beneficial, unstructured play on their Facebook, Instagram, Pinterest and Twitter pages!

The Genius of Play is an amazing organization that also sees how important this unstructured playtime is for kids and they are looking for people to donate a combined 1,000,000 hours of pure fun (and beneficial) play this year! When they get that many pledged hours, they will be donating we will donate $10,000 worth of toys to support play for children in need.How cool is that? Not only will play time be good for your kids, but it will help others in need too! Love that! 
I took the pledge when I went to New York for Blogger Bash, and you can take the pledge right here!

Still not sold on how awesome play is? Some of these statistics are mind-boggling (but explain so much when I look at how smart my daughter is and how much time we've spent playing together!)

So what are you waiting for? Take the pledge right here and get to playing!

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