How far along? 39 weeks!
Symptoms: Let's talk about what I'm NOT dealing with-- no heartburn, no waddling (I think), and my back pain is gone since I was able to go to the chiropractor and get a FULL alignment!
Total weight gain/loss: +13
Maternity clothes? Lots and lots. But I prefer to just wear comfy sweats and my husband's large shirts.
Sleep: Still only waking up once a night and then really early.
Best moment this week: It's been a good week! I went to my final Masters class (although I still need to finish the work), got the confirmation that I'm graduating in 2 weeks, had a wonderful chiropractors appointment and we made our first ever mortgage payment!
Movement: Not much, his head goes from under one rib to under the other, and all the kicks feel like his foot is going to come out my vagina (super cute, right). And yes, I said his head.. little man is still breech. Waaaah.
Food cravings: Food. In general. I just want to eat. But then I take 4 bites and I'm full. So sad.
Gender: Boy!
Labor Signs: Braxton Hicks contractions and lower back pain but nothing of significance yet. Hoping it stays this way because I do NOT want to go into labor before my scheduled c section on Tuesday!
Belly Button in or out? In. Still. Go me. Actually, that probably just means I'm fat, right?
What I miss: Feeling like I'm in control... I'm in the process of handing over my classroom to a sub, getting ready for a csection I had never planned on and I have so many unanswered questions.
What I am looking forward to: Holding this little boy! And our first (new) family photo. And getting this csecton over with!
Weekly Wisdom: Everything will change. And that's not exactly a bad thing.
Milestones: This is it. Just a few more days left. So scary.
Congratulations on him almost being here! I hope he falls right on schedule :).