I am terrible at writing this month.
It has been crazy.
david is working basically fulltime now and with me gone for 10 hours a day, its just crazy.
I work about 10 hours a day and then come home and immediately feed Emmalee. Then its time to make dinner (for me or both of us depending on the night), Emma usually wants to eat when I am and the I just want to snuggle since she already nodding off to bed.
If dave is working, I pretty much walk in the door at 4:30 and he's out the door by 4:35. But we're making it work. When we have the time off togetehr, we basically do everything together, even if its just laundry.
Its hard to write beacuse I have to give up that time if Im going to. Tomorrows a short day at work and I have all of Friday off and then Kenny Chesney on Saturday! Which I'll be stuck in the beginnnings of a hurricane but as long as I dont get sick from it, were good! Once again, mom will be watching Emmalee (isnt she awesome?!?) and Im excited. We wanted to sell our seats to help our finances but since I lost the tickets when we moved in february, they have new copies sitting at will call so I have to go up regardless. Might as well stay if were going to go all the way up. :)
Im pretty sure if we had sold them mom still would have watched her and made us go away for the day. :)
And since Im looking forwrad to things lets look at the next few months..
One month from today: we'll be on our first family vacation in York ME celebrating our friend Phoenix's wedding. Mom and the girls are coming up with us to watch Emma while we are at the ceremony and reception.
Two months from today: we will be getting ready for Emmalee's first Halloween and yes, we are considering a costume for her already! Our friend is planning on having a Halloween party for the kids before trick or treating and we are so excited to go!
Three months from today: is Thanksgiving! Its one of my favorite holidays and seriously my favorite meal. Its always a big ordeal at my Nannies and I am so excited for another "first" with Emmalee.
Four months from today: is Christmas Eve! My daughter will be 6 months old and we will have our first christmas as a family. It honestly fills me with this wierd warm feeling regardless of who cliche it sounds. Im just so in love with my family and cant wiat to celebrate.
Im hoping I get to write a bit more before all these events but with my crazy work schedule, Emmalee's amazing ability to distract me entirely and the fact that I go to bed when Emmalee does at night.... Im not so sure.
Ill keep you updated as we start to finish up the year. <3
August 24, 2011
August 17, 2011
Day 1.
Today was the first day Dave and I had to do the kiss, swap and run. :/
I got home from work at 4:25 and he had to leave the house at 4:30. We literally had just enough time to kiss each other, ask how the day was, find out when the last time Emmalee ate was and he was out the door. Ive had to go to bed without him twice now and oh man does it suck BUT by doing this we keep Emmalee with us and arent going to work just to pay a babysitter.
In other news, im on the search for the really cute crochet baby hats that I can put her flowers/bows on. Shell need them as the weather gets colder... :)
Mayb they'll go onto her Christmas wishlist... its coming..
I got home from work at 4:25 and he had to leave the house at 4:30. We literally had just enough time to kiss each other, ask how the day was, find out when the last time Emmalee ate was and he was out the door. Ive had to go to bed without him twice now and oh man does it suck BUT by doing this we keep Emmalee with us and arent going to work just to pay a babysitter.
In other news, im on the search for the really cute crochet baby hats that I can put her flowers/bows on. Shell need them as the weather gets colder... :)
Mayb they'll go onto her Christmas wishlist... its coming..
August 15, 2011
Quick Update.
Emmalee had her 2 month check up today and my little girl is now 11 lbs 15.5 oz and 24 inches long!! Yikes! Little girl is getting so big!
And I know I say Im super lucky with Emmalee, because seriously, she slike the greatest baby ever but today proved it. She had her 3 month vac's today so 2 shots and a drink. She smiled and giggled as she had the drink. Did her fake pouty face for the first shot but then SCREAMED for the second one (the nurse said it would sting more). I put her in my arms and she immediately stopped crying. Fell asleep in my arms!! Seriously, what baby takes a nap after shots?? Im so in love with her. :)
And tonight, when Dave went to his first night of work (!!!!!!!) Emmalee and I went to dinner with Kristen! She didnt do wonderful, fussed a bit while I was trying to eat but other than that, but i did get to eat half my meal and all of my dessert! :)
It was a really great day and tomorrow will be even better because Angelina is coming over!!!! Yeyy!!
And I know I say Im super lucky with Emmalee, because seriously, she slike the greatest baby ever but today proved it. She had her 3 month vac's today so 2 shots and a drink. She smiled and giggled as she had the drink. Did her fake pouty face for the first shot but then SCREAMED for the second one (the nurse said it would sting more). I put her in my arms and she immediately stopped crying. Fell asleep in my arms!! Seriously, what baby takes a nap after shots?? Im so in love with her. :)
And tonight, when Dave went to his first night of work (!!!!!!!) Emmalee and I went to dinner with Kristen! She didnt do wonderful, fussed a bit while I was trying to eat but other than that, but i did get to eat half my meal and all of my dessert! :)
It was a really great day and tomorrow will be even better because Angelina is coming over!!!! Yeyy!!
August 13, 2011
2 Months & Karma.
So Emmalee is 2 months old today! Yikes! shes such an amazing baby and is growing so much everyday! She smiles spontaneously and she smiles if you smile at her. She LOVES her glider and her Boppy. She holds onto her rattles and LOVES putting her hands in her mouth. She can hyold her head up straight and when on her belly, she can lift her head between 45 and 90 degrees, shes just so strong! She has a pretty good night routine, she goes to bed between 8 and 9 and sleeps until about 5 am. Shell eat and then its back to bed for a couple more hours. :)
We go to the doctor on Monday for her checkup so we'll know hw much she has grown!
And we've had some good come our way. Even though we have been struggling, I've made it a point to still help others. between food donations and helping a friend find a new place, I feel good. i dont have much to give but it feels good to still give the bit that I have. My mom taught me when I was little that no matter how bad you think you have it, someone else always has it worse. So, I kept helping and crossing my fingers that good karma would come back to me.
It has, oh, has it ever.
1. David has a job!! Its not glamourous but like he said, its something and thats more than he had. He'll be working at the Middleboro Friendlys in the back. The manager there knows me and our situation and offered him a great wage and will accomodate him so that he will work nights only, pretty much 5-cl so that I can keep nannying and working at my store o the weekends as well. It will suck not seeing each other as much but we decided that it was more important for Emmalee to only be wth us, rather than putting her in a daycare so tha we can work-- it wouldnt be worth it.
2. I babysat the other night for 3 hours. They had given me this week off because the mom was taking a vacation week so when they called for a couple hours I was excited. As I was leaving, the mom handed me the money and said I put in a little extra since you were only here one day. I made a full days pay for 3 hours!!
3. And yesterday we got a enevlope in the mail that had 3 gift cards to stop and shop for us. It was more money than I would ever expect someone to just send me. They told me that they were given a lot of help when they hit the wall, so they were passing along the help and just asked me to prommise if I ever saw anyone in my situation down teh road, that I would pass on the help to them. Really makes you remember that tehre are some amazing people in the world and sometimes, people can really surprise you. <3
So we had a couple of rough months and Im still not sure if we'll be able to pay ALL of our bills this month but we will definatley afford our rent and car payments so those were my big concerns! We will get better and now that Dave is working as well, we can start to rebuild and start saving again.
Like I said before, it always works out. :)
August 9, 2011
One year.
So its a couple days late but David and I had our one year anniversary on Sunday! We've been married for a full year! Yikes!
I, of course, spent all day on Sunday working so by the time I got home I was exhautsed and didnt want to do anything but we had Monday off so we went grocery shopping, did some chores and went to Plymouth. Mom said she would watch Emmalee so Dave and I could have a bit of time alone.
Since we were married at the Radisson in Plymouth, they offered us a free dinner for our one year anniversary. We went there and had crabcakes, baked scallops, steak tips and a peanut butter pie dessert! Yum! So great, and even better since it was free! :)
After that we walked over to Cupcake Charlies because I saw that the "Flavor of the Day" was Hot Fudge Sundae and that is one of mom's favorites; I figured it would be a good way to say thanks!
And since we ALL know my number one craving my whole prganncy was a frozen watermelon margarita so we went to Sams! So effing good! We played 2 rounds of pool, the firs of which was free because it was jammed and Dave unjammed it so we got a free game!
We ended up ebing out for about 3 hours and even though I wanted to text and ask how Emmalee was, I knew if I did mom would make fun of me and tell me to relax and enjoy myself so I didnt. Of course, when we got back to my moms she told us that Emma had been a bit of a brat. :(
Emmalee has been doing this weird thing where she will scream nonstop whenever I leave. Yesterday morning, i had another interview with a family. I had to get ready and Dave gave her a bottle while I was home. She took it no problem, but when Im at work it take hours for her to take a bottle from him. she gave mom a hard time as well. as soon as I left the house yesterday, she screamed for 20 minutes, tired herself out and fell asleep. She does this all the time. How do I get her to stop? It reaks my heart but it hurts Dave even more because he feels like she hates him, when obviously she doesnt.
Speaking of Dave, he has an interview tomorrow! Cross your fingers!
Who would have thought that in a year we'd get married, get pregnant, move, lose a job, and have a baby! This has been a trying year at times but I know that it has made our relationship stronger and Im sure we can overcome anything. Only have a few more bumps and we'll ok, we always are.
I, of course, spent all day on Sunday working so by the time I got home I was exhautsed and didnt want to do anything but we had Monday off so we went grocery shopping, did some chores and went to Plymouth. Mom said she would watch Emmalee so Dave and I could have a bit of time alone.
Since we were married at the Radisson in Plymouth, they offered us a free dinner for our one year anniversary. We went there and had crabcakes, baked scallops, steak tips and a peanut butter pie dessert! Yum! So great, and even better since it was free! :)
After that we walked over to Cupcake Charlies because I saw that the "Flavor of the Day" was Hot Fudge Sundae and that is one of mom's favorites; I figured it would be a good way to say thanks!
And since we ALL know my number one craving my whole prganncy was a frozen watermelon margarita so we went to Sams! So effing good! We played 2 rounds of pool, the firs of which was free because it was jammed and Dave unjammed it so we got a free game!
We ended up ebing out for about 3 hours and even though I wanted to text and ask how Emmalee was, I knew if I did mom would make fun of me and tell me to relax and enjoy myself so I didnt. Of course, when we got back to my moms she told us that Emma had been a bit of a brat. :(
Emmalee has been doing this weird thing where she will scream nonstop whenever I leave. Yesterday morning, i had another interview with a family. I had to get ready and Dave gave her a bottle while I was home. She took it no problem, but when Im at work it take hours for her to take a bottle from him. she gave mom a hard time as well. as soon as I left the house yesterday, she screamed for 20 minutes, tired herself out and fell asleep. She does this all the time. How do I get her to stop? It reaks my heart but it hurts Dave even more because he feels like she hates him, when obviously she doesnt.
Speaking of Dave, he has an interview tomorrow! Cross your fingers!
Who would have thought that in a year we'd get married, get pregnant, move, lose a job, and have a baby! This has been a trying year at times but I know that it has made our relationship stronger and Im sure we can overcome anything. Only have a few more bumps and we'll ok, we always are.
August 4, 2011
For my bride friends...
I have a TON of friends who just got married or are engaged plus our wedding anniversary is coming up so I got nostalgic and started looking through our wedding pictures and the scrapbook I made after our wedding. I have a TON of left over stickers including packages I never even opened. I was going to make a scrapbook for someone else and never did so theres even more to add to the excess pile. Since no one in my family is in a position to get married any time soon and I wont be using them (plus we could use the extra money!!) Im going to post them on here. Its a huge lot of stickers, all wedding related includingbachelorette, bridal shower and one travel one for the honeymoon...
The 24 unopened ones (the last four pictures) retail for just over $50 plus and there is still a LOT on the opened packages, some havent even been used, just opened. I'd like to sell the whole lot and am asking for $25 for ALL of it but if you only wanted some, Im sure we could figure something out.
I figured Id offer it to my friends first and next week I'm going to put it on ebay.
Let me know!
I figured Id offer it to my friends first and next week I'm going to put it on ebay.
Let me know!
August 3, 2011
The All Clear.
Today was my six week checkup. Emmalee is 7 weeks old... I clearly got cheated out of a week but Im ok with it...
So, I healed perfectly! Yey! I had a pretty easy delivery so I didnt expect any complications and the doctor affirmed it this morning. That means that I can start birth control again, have sex again, and go back to work! Granted I am already working, but now I can go back to the restaurant. Tracey is very excited and is willing to give me all of the hours I want so hopefully we'll be able to afford our bills! :)
Hurray for health!
So, I healed perfectly! Yey! I had a pretty easy delivery so I didnt expect any complications and the doctor affirmed it this morning. That means that I can start birth control again, have sex again, and go back to work! Granted I am already working, but now I can go back to the restaurant. Tracey is very excited and is willing to give me all of the hours I want so hopefully we'll be able to afford our bills! :)
Hurray for health!
August 2, 2011
Top Ten Tuesday
Stealing this from another blogger.
These are my top 10 confessions (in no special order):
1. The thing I miss most since becoming a mom is having a LONG (aka more than 10 minutes), hot shower every night before bed. I'm lucky to get in 5 minutes every 2 or 3 days. :/
2. I still wear my maternity shorts/pants because even though I weigh less than what I did BEFORE I got pregnant, my stomach doesnt fit into any of my "normal" stuff.
3. I am OBSESSED with Pretty Little Liars, both the books and tv show... I dont even care that it's supposed to be for tweeners and teens.
4. I spend more time thinking about money than anything else and I have a running tab of my account in my wallet so that I can monitor every single penny that I spend.
5. My biggest fear is that we will lose our apartment if we cant afford it. I dont care if I lose my cell, my car, internet, anything... I just want to know that we have a place to live.
6. My guilty pleasure is still Malibu and Pineapples and since Emmalee sleeps through the night (mostly), tonight I am having one!
7. I can not sleep if the closet door is open or I dont have a blanket over my feet and I need to leave a light on while I climb into bed and have David turn it off when he comes to tuck me; yes, Im a five year old.
8. Sometimes I wonder if I want to be a teacher still. I worked so hard to get my license(s) and I'm not sure that's what makes me happy anymore. I feel like I'm having a quarter life crisis.
9. When my boobs are super engorged because I havent fed Emmalee in a few hours, I imagine that's what a boob job would feel like. They're rock solid and hurt like hell.
10. At least once a day I battle with myself over my puppies versus my little girl. The nicer towns where we want to live, no one takes pups so do we move to a better place and leave the pups somewhere or stay where we are to keep them?
That's it! Bed. <3
These are my top 10 confessions (in no special order):
1. The thing I miss most since becoming a mom is having a LONG (aka more than 10 minutes), hot shower every night before bed. I'm lucky to get in 5 minutes every 2 or 3 days. :/
2. I still wear my maternity shorts/pants because even though I weigh less than what I did BEFORE I got pregnant, my stomach doesnt fit into any of my "normal" stuff.
3. I am OBSESSED with Pretty Little Liars, both the books and tv show... I dont even care that it's supposed to be for tweeners and teens.
4. I spend more time thinking about money than anything else and I have a running tab of my account in my wallet so that I can monitor every single penny that I spend.
5. My biggest fear is that we will lose our apartment if we cant afford it. I dont care if I lose my cell, my car, internet, anything... I just want to know that we have a place to live.
6. My guilty pleasure is still Malibu and Pineapples and since Emmalee sleeps through the night (mostly), tonight I am having one!
7. I can not sleep if the closet door is open or I dont have a blanket over my feet and I need to leave a light on while I climb into bed and have David turn it off when he comes to tuck me; yes, Im a five year old.
8. Sometimes I wonder if I want to be a teacher still. I worked so hard to get my license(s) and I'm not sure that's what makes me happy anymore. I feel like I'm having a quarter life crisis.
9. When my boobs are super engorged because I havent fed Emmalee in a few hours, I imagine that's what a boob job would feel like. They're rock solid and hurt like hell.
10. At least once a day I battle with myself over my puppies versus my little girl. The nicer towns where we want to live, no one takes pups so do we move to a better place and leave the pups somewhere or stay where we are to keep them?
That's it! Bed. <3
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Home Update - 1 year in!
We're a year in the house and we've been making our way through each room. I feel like every project takes so long and each project...