Today I went gift card shopping. I don't feel guilty about spending gift cards, not at all. I call them "free money" because it's not like I can use it for anything else so it just sits in my wallet. Gift cards are easily one of my favorite things ever because I HAVE to use them on stuff because I can't use them to pay bills! Well today I used 3 gift cards, one to Hallmark and 2 to Victoria's Secret.
The Hallmark card was leftover from Christmas. David wanted to buy me a Vera Bradley diaper bag but didn't know what pattern so he bought me a gift card to Hallmark because the Hallmark in our mall has a wonderful Vera selection. I already got my bag and had money left over. I used some of what was left to buy a secret gift that I wont share now, and then I found realy cute, simple baby thank you cards! I wouldn't be if I didn't find them for 75% off so my 3 boxes of cards ended up being less than $6!
The VS gift cards came from Dave's mom and sister. I had originally bought a blue tshirt with the white circled Sox logo right on the front on the stomach. After careful thought, I realized I will never want that much attention on my stomach, not even with the baby as an excuse for it's size so I returned it today. I got a store credit for that. Add that to my gift cards and I had enough to cover an online purchase. The MLB and NFL lines are never carried near me because the Dartmouth store and Kingston store are too small and suck buuuuut a $10 off $50 coupon and free shipping made it totally worth it! I am now wiating for these to come in the mail:
I love them, they look SUPER comfy and since no money ever left my bank account I feel FABULOUS about buying them!!
I had posted a few days back about my imaginary shopping spree and yesterday I recieved the Godiva and the (promise of a) massage. Today I got my Victoria's Secret stuff. I'd say I'm doing pretty well.
And speaking of shopping, I am getting antsy. I want to order a glider for the room and I'm starting to want to know what I'm having so I can start buying stuff for baby.I'm hoping my shower this weekend will squash that. I think I just feel underprepared and its forcing me to feel like I need to go out and get stuff. I know that babies don't need stuff, they just need me and David and love buuuuuut knowing I'm stocked up will help. It's either that or I am just so super amped about the gifts we just recieved that I can't wait for more! That sounds so greedy and horrible but I do need some things and being caught in that limbo of "should I just go buy it or is someone going to give it to me" kind of makes me more antsy.
I think I've been good the past few months. in the very beginning, I was slightly (okay, extremely) anal and OCD about anything and everything that could happen during my pregnancy and around month 4, I think I relaxed. I have been relaxed. I still get nervous about some things but I've learned I am not in control, baby is. Everything will happen the way baby needs it to. Why should I stress if I have no control? But now I'm starting to feel like I'm not doing enough. I'm hoping thsoe feelings are all gone after Sunday but we'll see what happens.
For now I'm going to curl up on my couch with my pups, eating chili, watch Enchanted and ignore the snow that's coming down. <3
March 31, 2011
Bored & Stolen
A. Age: 25
B. Bed size: Queen for me, my 6'4" husband and the pups.
C. Chore you dislike: taking out the garbage.
D. Dogs: Bailey & Sables, aka the Beast and the Bitch. Sable is a 15 pound daschaund & chihuahua mix. She is the little princess. Bailey is part yellow dog, part bear and it my little beast. She runs into walls but is the best little snugglebug kisser ever.
E. Essential start to your day: Checking my emails and Facebook on my phone in bed.
F. Favorite color: Black. or white. But I wear more black than anything else.
G. Gold or silver: definitely silver...unless it's white gold
H. Height: 5'4"
I. Instruments you play(ed): the flute for like a day and the recorder. Don't judge.
J. Job title: Jack of all trades. I can do just about anything.
K. Kids: First one is on the way! <3
L. Live: everyday <3
M. Mom’s name: Holly
N. Nicknames: Vooch, Giff, Momma Gif
O. Overnight hospital stays: None?
P. Pet peeves: far too many to list... that's a blog for another day.
Q. Quote from a movie: "And I'll bang your tuna girlfriend".
R. Righty or lefty: Righty
S. Siblings: Nick: 22, Derek: 16, Kristian: 14, Abby: 12 They are the loves of my life. <3
T. Time you wake up: by 7am. Every. Day. Boo.
U. Underwear: Under dresses or for bed and ideally, Victoria's Secret Pink Boyshorts <3
V. Vegetables you don’t like: Squash
W. What makes you run late: David. He's convinced he only needs 2 minutes to get ready for anything.
X. X-rays you’ve had: Mouth/Teeth. I'm super accident prone
Y. Yummy food you make: Cupcakes. Cookies. Ya.
Z. Zoo animal favorites: currently all of them because they fill the baby's room! giraffes, lions, elephants and monkeys, oh my! <3
B. Bed size: Queen for me, my 6'4" husband and the pups.
C. Chore you dislike: taking out the garbage.
D. Dogs: Bailey & Sables, aka the Beast and the Bitch. Sable is a 15 pound daschaund & chihuahua mix. She is the little princess. Bailey is part yellow dog, part bear and it my little beast. She runs into walls but is the best little snugglebug kisser ever.
E. Essential start to your day: Checking my emails and Facebook on my phone in bed.
F. Favorite color: Black. or white. But I wear more black than anything else.
G. Gold or silver: definitely silver...unless it's white gold
H. Height: 5'4"
I. Instruments you play(ed): the flute for like a day and the recorder. Don't judge.
J. Job title: Jack of all trades. I can do just about anything.
K. Kids: First one is on the way! <3
L. Live: everyday <3
M. Mom’s name: Holly
N. Nicknames: Vooch, Giff, Momma Gif
O. Overnight hospital stays: None?
P. Pet peeves: far too many to list... that's a blog for another day.
Q. Quote from a movie: "And I'll bang your tuna girlfriend".
R. Righty or lefty: Righty
S. Siblings: Nick: 22, Derek: 16, Kristian: 14, Abby: 12 They are the loves of my life. <3
T. Time you wake up: by 7am. Every. Day. Boo.
U. Underwear: Under dresses or for bed and ideally, Victoria's Secret Pink Boyshorts <3
V. Vegetables you don’t like: Squash
W. What makes you run late: David. He's convinced he only needs 2 minutes to get ready for anything.
X. X-rays you’ve had: Mouth/Teeth. I'm super accident prone
Y. Yummy food you make: Cupcakes. Cookies. Ya.
Z. Zoo animal favorites: currently all of them because they fill the baby's room! giraffes, lions, elephants and monkeys, oh my! <3
Is it Christmas?
Yesterday was just one of those really great days.
I woke up, normal time after a COMPLETE night's sleep :) , to a day off. I have been nonstop lately so I used my time to get the house clean. David had the morning off so we did 4 loads of laundry, rearranged some bedroom furniture, went through our closet (and got rid of a HUGE bag of clothes!), cleaned the kitchen and bathroom, organized the baby's room and had breakfast together!
When he left for work I went to Saver's to drop off our unwanted clothes, went grocery shopping and came home just in time for Kris and my mom to come see our apartment for the first time since David and I moved. I got to show them everything and I'm pretty sure my mom almost cried when she walked into the baby's room :)
Relaxing with them was great and they brought me a chocolate Godiva spring pop! The very same one I blogged about on my "imaginary shopping trip". Yey! We went to Kyler's Catch to pick up lobster raviolis and bisque for dinner and they headed back to Plymouth.
When I got home, Kristen messaged me on facebook and informed me that part of my shower gift is a prenatal massage in May right before the baby comes and it will be her treat! We have been talking about a spa day but with the little one on the way and preparing for leave, I have a hard time spending the money on myself. So she's paying for my massage and I can justify a manicure. I've always wanted a pedicure but have never had one soo that may be a splurge as well.
Then the doorbell rang and UPS showed up! he had a package from the Toomey's. Carol was/is one of my best friends from when I was younger. You pretty much didnt see me in high school without her close behind. My little sisters idolized her and our inside jokes made high school so enjoyable. Well, I loved her mom and very often if I wasn't at my house or Emmy's, I was at Carols. Her mom was one of the handful of women that I looked up to, respected, and viewed as an amazing woman. I haven't spoken to her since probably high school graduation and when I opened the package, it was two blankets that she had made. One was a crotcheted blanket and the other was a quilt that she had made with jungle babies and green and white polka dot fabric! She also put the cutest stuffed animal I have ever seen in the box. It's a Gund baby lamb and it is so soft! David was laughing at me last night because I was laying on the couch, watching Top Chef with the lamb laying across my belly. It's baby's first toy and who am I to stop the bonding process?? :)
So at this point, I am on a high. I have Godiva, a promise of a maternity massage, and the most amazing thoughtful package I have received lately and UPS comes back!! This time it's the Luv U Zoo Highchair that we had on our registry! The Booths had it shipped to the house so "David has one less thing to unload from the shower"! Love them!
It seriously felt like Christmas today and it makes me so so SO excited for my shower this weekend! I am so lucky to have such an amazing group of people who are as excited about the baby as I am!
I woke up, normal time after a COMPLETE night's sleep :) , to a day off. I have been nonstop lately so I used my time to get the house clean. David had the morning off so we did 4 loads of laundry, rearranged some bedroom furniture, went through our closet (and got rid of a HUGE bag of clothes!), cleaned the kitchen and bathroom, organized the baby's room and had breakfast together!
When he left for work I went to Saver's to drop off our unwanted clothes, went grocery shopping and came home just in time for Kris and my mom to come see our apartment for the first time since David and I moved. I got to show them everything and I'm pretty sure my mom almost cried when she walked into the baby's room :)
Relaxing with them was great and they brought me a chocolate Godiva spring pop! The very same one I blogged about on my "imaginary shopping trip". Yey! We went to Kyler's Catch to pick up lobster raviolis and bisque for dinner and they headed back to Plymouth.
When I got home, Kristen messaged me on facebook and informed me that part of my shower gift is a prenatal massage in May right before the baby comes and it will be her treat! We have been talking about a spa day but with the little one on the way and preparing for leave, I have a hard time spending the money on myself. So she's paying for my massage and I can justify a manicure. I've always wanted a pedicure but have never had one soo that may be a splurge as well.
Then the doorbell rang and UPS showed up! he had a package from the Toomey's. Carol was/is one of my best friends from when I was younger. You pretty much didnt see me in high school without her close behind. My little sisters idolized her and our inside jokes made high school so enjoyable. Well, I loved her mom and very often if I wasn't at my house or Emmy's, I was at Carols. Her mom was one of the handful of women that I looked up to, respected, and viewed as an amazing woman. I haven't spoken to her since probably high school graduation and when I opened the package, it was two blankets that she had made. One was a crotcheted blanket and the other was a quilt that she had made with jungle babies and green and white polka dot fabric! She also put the cutest stuffed animal I have ever seen in the box. It's a Gund baby lamb and it is so soft! David was laughing at me last night because I was laying on the couch, watching Top Chef with the lamb laying across my belly. It's baby's first toy and who am I to stop the bonding process?? :)
So at this point, I am on a high. I have Godiva, a promise of a maternity massage, and the most amazing thoughtful package I have received lately and UPS comes back!! This time it's the Luv U Zoo Highchair that we had on our registry! The Booths had it shipped to the house so "David has one less thing to unload from the shower"! Love them!
It seriously felt like Christmas today and it makes me so so SO excited for my shower this weekend! I am so lucky to have such an amazing group of people who are as excited about the baby as I am!
March 26, 2011
An Ew, Two Aw's, and a Wedding
So let's start with the Ew.
Two nights ago I got to experience another one of those "let's not talk about it in public" pregnancy symptoms. David was on th computer, I walked up behind him, wrapped my arms around him and kissed the back of his head good night. He ran his fingers down my arms and I leaked. Ya, gross. I like ran away, once again in tears (I hate this whole crying all the time thing). It wasn't much, it was like a 1/4" little wet spot right on my tank top over my nipple. David thought it was hilarious, of course, and I obviously hopped right online to find out what was going on. Good news is that it's completely normal and natural, bad news is that once again I wasn't informed of the weird things that were going to happen to me. Oh well, maybe this means breastfeeding will be a breeze?!?
Now for the Aw's.
I spent yesterday morning at Westport Primary working with Kindergarteners. It was a weird situation because the teacher was still there but I was subbing for her. She had a meeting in the morning and was getting observed later so I was there for when she wasnt. There was one little boy who is autistic and when he saw me he asked the teacher if I was taking him away. When she said no, he said hello to me and asked my name. In the most adorable fashion, he turned to the tecaher and asked "Why is her belly so big? Does she have a baby in her belly?" So I became "Mrs. Gifford with the baby in her belly". he refused to leave my side. He wanted to sit at the desk with me, walk down the hall next to me, he stayed with me all of recess and whenever a new teacher would come over he would introduce me... "So and so, this is Mrs Gifford and she has a baby in her belly". Melted my heart and I can't wait until I have my own little one.
My second aww isn't nearly as cute but still worth sharing because it's a feel good kind of story. Everyone knows that I LOVE my black stretchy yoga pants from Target. They have a belly panel and they are seriously the most comfy pants I own. I bought 2 pairs when they came out because I wore them so much. Well Bailey and/or Sable decided to eat the crotch out of one of the pairs and I was down to one. I went to Target, they were gone. I found A pair on the clearance rack marked down to 9.98 so i was excited. There was another woman walking around and asked how far along I was, making small talk, and told me her prgenant daughter had sent her for stuff because she had picked out, as her daughter defined them "ugly clothes", and made her return them. I flet horrible for the woman. She told me my mom was lucky to have me and my wonderful attitude and then gave me a coupon for $3 off any piece of maternity clothing. She goes "I'd rather give it to you than my little brat". So I got my favorite pants for 6.98; thanks little brat. :)
And the wedding..
Last night was David's cousin's wedding and we had an amazing time. I found a dress I loved and David got all spiffy. They got married at Independence Harbor in Assonet; it was gorgeous, and they were so beautiful. It was just nice to get dressed up and go out; it's the first time we have as a Mrs & Mr.
But you know what the best part was? Not the funny stories from his old high school friends or dancing like idiots together but the fact that I was no longer eligible for the bouquet toss! Haha. I always hated that. Like I feel bad enough being single but lets put it on display for everyone... So excited I got to sit that one out and not get called by name to the dance floor...
Two nights ago I got to experience another one of those "let's not talk about it in public" pregnancy symptoms. David was on th computer, I walked up behind him, wrapped my arms around him and kissed the back of his head good night. He ran his fingers down my arms and I leaked. Ya, gross. I like ran away, once again in tears (I hate this whole crying all the time thing). It wasn't much, it was like a 1/4" little wet spot right on my tank top over my nipple. David thought it was hilarious, of course, and I obviously hopped right online to find out what was going on. Good news is that it's completely normal and natural, bad news is that once again I wasn't informed of the weird things that were going to happen to me. Oh well, maybe this means breastfeeding will be a breeze?!?
Now for the Aw's.
I spent yesterday morning at Westport Primary working with Kindergarteners. It was a weird situation because the teacher was still there but I was subbing for her. She had a meeting in the morning and was getting observed later so I was there for when she wasnt. There was one little boy who is autistic and when he saw me he asked the teacher if I was taking him away. When she said no, he said hello to me and asked my name. In the most adorable fashion, he turned to the tecaher and asked "Why is her belly so big? Does she have a baby in her belly?" So I became "Mrs. Gifford with the baby in her belly". he refused to leave my side. He wanted to sit at the desk with me, walk down the hall next to me, he stayed with me all of recess and whenever a new teacher would come over he would introduce me... "So and so, this is Mrs Gifford and she has a baby in her belly". Melted my heart and I can't wait until I have my own little one.
My second aww isn't nearly as cute but still worth sharing because it's a feel good kind of story. Everyone knows that I LOVE my black stretchy yoga pants from Target. They have a belly panel and they are seriously the most comfy pants I own. I bought 2 pairs when they came out because I wore them so much. Well Bailey and/or Sable decided to eat the crotch out of one of the pairs and I was down to one. I went to Target, they were gone. I found A pair on the clearance rack marked down to 9.98 so i was excited. There was another woman walking around and asked how far along I was, making small talk, and told me her prgenant daughter had sent her for stuff because she had picked out, as her daughter defined them "ugly clothes", and made her return them. I flet horrible for the woman. She told me my mom was lucky to have me and my wonderful attitude and then gave me a coupon for $3 off any piece of maternity clothing. She goes "I'd rather give it to you than my little brat". So I got my favorite pants for 6.98; thanks little brat. :)
And the wedding..
Last night was David's cousin's wedding and we had an amazing time. I found a dress I loved and David got all spiffy. They got married at Independence Harbor in Assonet; it was gorgeous, and they were so beautiful. It was just nice to get dressed up and go out; it's the first time we have as a Mrs & Mr.
But you know what the best part was? Not the funny stories from his old high school friends or dancing like idiots together but the fact that I was no longer eligible for the bouquet toss! Haha. I always hated that. Like I feel bad enough being single but lets put it on display for everyone... So excited I got to sit that one out and not get called by name to the dance floor...
March 24, 2011
Thursday Update.
I don't know. I think I feel obligated to write more than anything else.
Nothing major has happened, nothing of much worth but I guess in the beginning I said I was going to write even if nothing fun was going on. It will be hard to compete with my last post I guess.
So what's going on in my life?
Spring break is over and it sucked to go back to classes. They're not hard and maybe that's what makes it so hard. I have no motivation and because all of my teachers are half-special, they have no assignments due until the last day of class and attendance doesn't matter at all. How am I supposed to feel motivated,or even obligated, to attend if there's no consequence for not going? Its only a couple more weeks and I know that I will be fine. I have all the work done but when I have so much going on, it feels like a waste of my time to sit and get lectured by a teacher who doesnt even care if I'm there or not. I have better things to do than sit and pretend to care if no one else does. Whatever, if I pretend to care for 6 more weeks I'm done.
I'm still getting a bunch of calls for Westport but mostly for Morton Middle School in Fall River. I hated my first day at Henry Lord and vowed I would not go back but I think I;m being stupid for that decision. Being a sub is harder than being a real teacher. I know 42 people are going to jump up my ass for that statement but hear me out. The teacher knows her students and (usually) has the respect from them at the beginning of the class. A sub is thrown into a new environment everyday and the stduents don't know her. We all know students test subs to see what they can get away with and I think maybe that was my day at Henry Lord. Granted Fall River is not the most desirable school district to be in but maybe my day would be different if the stduents knew me, I knew them, and I was more of a presence. Henry Lord currently has an opening for a fulltime ELA teacher next year and I think I'd be short changing myself if I don't apply. In the grand scheme of things, what's one year? If I hate it, I got my foot in the door and I can move on and maybe I'll love it when its MY classroom and I'm not just filling in for someone else. That being said, I am also applying to Plymouth as an ELA teacher because I love Plymouth and if I can get a job that way then david and I will really ahve a reason to move from where we are. It's comfortable but it's not going to be our forever place and if I can get a teaching job, that's going to be the motive to move. I reeeeeaallly want to be in a school come Fall but I've been let down so many times by the schools that I doubt I will find one.
Sometimes I question if I'm supposed to be a teacher. I know Im supposed to work with kids but you can only take so many rejections before you start to question if maybe you took the wrong path. i tell myself if its not meant to be then it wont be but it's hard to accept that sometimes. Part of me hopes that I'll have a teaching job in the fall, not just for the money and stability it would give but because it would give me a set schedule for the baby. david and I are alreday going to be working opposite schedules but this way, I know I'd have the weekend off to be with him and the little one. I want it bad; I'm just hoping it works out. Cross your fingers.
Yesterday was a great day. After working 10 days straight at the restuarant (because of spring break), I needed a day off. David had training in Framingham and I obviously jumped at the opportunity to head up that way. He has training from 10-4 so we went up the highway around 8 am, missed all the traffic, had Dunkins and explored B&N for a while. He bought Where's Waldo books! I loooove it! He was so excited, I've never seen him like that, especially about a book!He went to the theater and I spent the morning wandering around Shopper's World waiting to hear from Krystal about what her and the kids were up to. I went to their apartment and got to play with the 3 little ones. I seriously love them and it makes me excited for my own.david had lunch at 12 and he came back to their apartment for pizza and gingerale. Hannah was adorable and made the cutest comment ever. She goes " I remember David; he's so handsome!" When he walked in the door, she giggled and hid under the kitchen table yelling 'Handsome, handsome, handsome!!" So, so cute! I spent the afternoon at the Collection doing some shopping and it was actually hard.
Everyone who knows me, knows I LOVE to shop. I'm a bargain hunter and I think I get off a bit on completely winning in sales. For example: David and I went to Old Navy yesterday. David has put on weight since we got married and he went up a pants size. Knowing that summer is coming and he will need shorts we went to ON because the plain shorts (that he LOVES) were on sale from 29.50 to 15 a piece. PLUS I had a 30% off my whole order so 5 pairs of shorts and a pair of board shorts later: 58 dollars. Thats what 2 pairs would have cost! Go me! I need to get an amazing deal to not feel guilty abouts pending the money right now. I'm so overwhelmed and nervous about maternity leave that it almost makes me question everything I buy. That being said, I am following suit of a friend and doing some imaginary shopping. I found myself wanting to buy all of these things at the Collection but I guess putting your child's anticpated needs before your own wants is what makes you a good parent... A child outweighs this whole list but IF I could buy it all, no questions asked, this is what my list would look like:
1. Godiva chocolates, idealy the milk chocolate pops they made for easter. Only $6 but still too much for me to just purcahse for myself on a normal day.
2. Sperry boat shoes for the summer, these ones specifically. I've tried on about 600 and most come up too far on my foot and makes it look wierd, these are the perfect fit.
3. A massage. I REALLY need one. I don't know why I just don't go get one already but everytime I think about putting $70 down for a maternity massage I think about how many groceries that would buy...
4. The ENTIRE Victoria's Secret Pink line, especially the MLB Red Sox line. I used a gift card from christmas to buy one of tshirts and I am so excited about it but I would LOVE to have the sweatshirt. Ya, check it out here!
Plus, you know, all the baby stuff I want, a vacation with my little family somewhere wonderful, and whetever else my little heart desires....
Oh well, for now I'll be content with my family, my apartment and all the good things coming my way. <3
Nothing major has happened, nothing of much worth but I guess in the beginning I said I was going to write even if nothing fun was going on. It will be hard to compete with my last post I guess.
So what's going on in my life?
Spring break is over and it sucked to go back to classes. They're not hard and maybe that's what makes it so hard. I have no motivation and because all of my teachers are half-special, they have no assignments due until the last day of class and attendance doesn't matter at all. How am I supposed to feel motivated,or even obligated, to attend if there's no consequence for not going? Its only a couple more weeks and I know that I will be fine. I have all the work done but when I have so much going on, it feels like a waste of my time to sit and get lectured by a teacher who doesnt even care if I'm there or not. I have better things to do than sit and pretend to care if no one else does. Whatever, if I pretend to care for 6 more weeks I'm done.
I'm still getting a bunch of calls for Westport but mostly for Morton Middle School in Fall River. I hated my first day at Henry Lord and vowed I would not go back but I think I;m being stupid for that decision. Being a sub is harder than being a real teacher. I know 42 people are going to jump up my ass for that statement but hear me out. The teacher knows her students and (usually) has the respect from them at the beginning of the class. A sub is thrown into a new environment everyday and the stduents don't know her. We all know students test subs to see what they can get away with and I think maybe that was my day at Henry Lord. Granted Fall River is not the most desirable school district to be in but maybe my day would be different if the stduents knew me, I knew them, and I was more of a presence. Henry Lord currently has an opening for a fulltime ELA teacher next year and I think I'd be short changing myself if I don't apply. In the grand scheme of things, what's one year? If I hate it, I got my foot in the door and I can move on and maybe I'll love it when its MY classroom and I'm not just filling in for someone else. That being said, I am also applying to Plymouth as an ELA teacher because I love Plymouth and if I can get a job that way then david and I will really ahve a reason to move from where we are. It's comfortable but it's not going to be our forever place and if I can get a teaching job, that's going to be the motive to move. I reeeeeaallly want to be in a school come Fall but I've been let down so many times by the schools that I doubt I will find one.
Sometimes I question if I'm supposed to be a teacher. I know Im supposed to work with kids but you can only take so many rejections before you start to question if maybe you took the wrong path. i tell myself if its not meant to be then it wont be but it's hard to accept that sometimes. Part of me hopes that I'll have a teaching job in the fall, not just for the money and stability it would give but because it would give me a set schedule for the baby. david and I are alreday going to be working opposite schedules but this way, I know I'd have the weekend off to be with him and the little one. I want it bad; I'm just hoping it works out. Cross your fingers.
Yesterday was a great day. After working 10 days straight at the restuarant (because of spring break), I needed a day off. David had training in Framingham and I obviously jumped at the opportunity to head up that way. He has training from 10-4 so we went up the highway around 8 am, missed all the traffic, had Dunkins and explored B&N for a while. He bought Where's Waldo books! I loooove it! He was so excited, I've never seen him like that, especially about a book!He went to the theater and I spent the morning wandering around Shopper's World waiting to hear from Krystal about what her and the kids were up to. I went to their apartment and got to play with the 3 little ones. I seriously love them and it makes me excited for my own.david had lunch at 12 and he came back to their apartment for pizza and gingerale. Hannah was adorable and made the cutest comment ever. She goes " I remember David; he's so handsome!" When he walked in the door, she giggled and hid under the kitchen table yelling 'Handsome, handsome, handsome!!" So, so cute! I spent the afternoon at the Collection doing some shopping and it was actually hard.
Everyone who knows me, knows I LOVE to shop. I'm a bargain hunter and I think I get off a bit on completely winning in sales. For example: David and I went to Old Navy yesterday. David has put on weight since we got married and he went up a pants size. Knowing that summer is coming and he will need shorts we went to ON because the plain shorts (that he LOVES) were on sale from 29.50 to 15 a piece. PLUS I had a 30% off my whole order so 5 pairs of shorts and a pair of board shorts later: 58 dollars. Thats what 2 pairs would have cost! Go me! I need to get an amazing deal to not feel guilty abouts pending the money right now. I'm so overwhelmed and nervous about maternity leave that it almost makes me question everything I buy. That being said, I am following suit of a friend and doing some imaginary shopping. I found myself wanting to buy all of these things at the Collection but I guess putting your child's anticpated needs before your own wants is what makes you a good parent... A child outweighs this whole list but IF I could buy it all, no questions asked, this is what my list would look like:
1. Godiva chocolates, idealy the milk chocolate pops they made for easter. Only $6 but still too much for me to just purcahse for myself on a normal day.
2. Sperry boat shoes for the summer, these ones specifically. I've tried on about 600 and most come up too far on my foot and makes it look wierd, these are the perfect fit.

4. The ENTIRE Victoria's Secret Pink line, especially the MLB Red Sox line. I used a gift card from christmas to buy one of tshirts and I am so excited about it but I would LOVE to have the sweatshirt. Ya, check it out here!
5. Headbands. Like the supercrazy, bejeweled, big bow headbands. I didn't like them at first but there was a little store with tons and everyone I put on, I liked more and more. I may invest in a couple... Forever 21 seems to have a couple cheaper ones and they would give some attention somewhere other than my belly!
Oh well, for now I'll be content with my family, my apartment and all the good things coming my way. <3
March 21, 2011
The Shit They Don't Tell You.
Apparently I am going to share one of my most embarrassing moments right now.
Tonight at work, I peed myself. Yep, you read that right.
I sneezed and I peed. Not a lot but enough to burst into tears.
Apparently its compeletly normal for a pregnant woman to pee herself because the baby is on bladder and all that jazz but no one told me this. THANK GOD we wear black pants at Friendlys and THANK GOD again that it happened after 9 pm, with no customers in the restaurant and less than an hour to go until closing. I literally cried I was so upset.
It's gross and wierd and just awkward.
I'm going to write a book. Not "What to Expect When You're Expecting" because NOWHERE in that book did it warn me about sneezepeeing, but rather I'll title it "The Shit They Don't Tell You" because you know what? I'm not getting hemmeroids and weird cravings like the book said I would. I'm not moody or gaining 2 to 3 pounds a week like the book sad but instead I'm sneezepeeing.
But I'm crazy enough to laugh it off and share my story with the world because I'mnot ashamed of my accident. I'm more upset that no one told me to expect this so in true Heather fashion, enjoy...
Tonight at work, I peed myself. Yep, you read that right.
I sneezed and I peed. Not a lot but enough to burst into tears.
Apparently its compeletly normal for a pregnant woman to pee herself because the baby is on bladder and all that jazz but no one told me this. THANK GOD we wear black pants at Friendlys and THANK GOD again that it happened after 9 pm, with no customers in the restaurant and less than an hour to go until closing. I literally cried I was so upset.
It's gross and wierd and just awkward.
I'm going to write a book. Not "What to Expect When You're Expecting" because NOWHERE in that book did it warn me about sneezepeeing, but rather I'll title it "The Shit They Don't Tell You" because you know what? I'm not getting hemmeroids and weird cravings like the book said I would. I'm not moody or gaining 2 to 3 pounds a week like the book sad but instead I'm sneezepeeing.
But I'm crazy enough to laugh it off and share my story with the world because I'mnot ashamed of my accident. I'm more upset that no one told me to expect this so in true Heather fashion, enjoy...
March 19, 2011
Yesterday was one of the best days I have had in a while. I had taken the day off but volunteered to work 6:30-12:30 to cover Carol's shift. I ended up leaving at 12, went to the store and found a pair of gray heels to go with the dress I bought for Jocelyn's wedding next Friday! Yey! Oh and did I mention they were clearanced at 9.99 and had an extra 30% off all clearance so they were 7 bucks! Even better!
I also got a text from Old Navy for 30% off my whole purchase. I'm not going to be in maternity clothes forever so I've been looking at all the flowy tops and tank tops that I can wear while prego and afterwards while my body readjusts. I went to the mall and bought 8 new shirts for the spring. It started at $73 but after sale prices it was $42 and with my bonus 30%, it was a whopping $29!!! Im so good sometimes that I disgust myself. I visited David at work and a priving error at Stop and Shop's gas pump got me gas for $3.33 a gallon. Still disgusting but less disgusting than the 3.47 it should have been.
Add in naptime with the puppies and the day was already amazing by 3 pm. But it wasn't over yet. I had plans at 6 in Bridgewater to reunite with some Belize travelers for dinner. Since I was heading up there I wanted to go up early to stop at the Middleboro and Bridgewater Friendly's. Gail, at Mboro has been asking me constantly on Facebook when I was going to come in so she could see the bump so I figured I'd cross my fingers that she was there. Of course, I got there at 5 and she wasn't scheduled until 6 so I went up 18. I stopped at Cake in a Box to get a Guinness cupcake for David (since yesterda was the last day for them, being the week of St. Pattys) and went to Bwater Friendlys. The GM's have to work either a midshift, like 11-8 or 12-9, or close so I knew if I went around 5, Chris would be there.. I LOVE Chris. She was in Mboro with me, shes the reason I started working in Bwater, ya, and I havent seen her since I left that store in November. So needless to say it was amazing to see her.
Dinner at Barrett's was delicious and it was wonderful seeing people I had such amazing memories with in Belize. It's crazy to think thats where I was 4 years ago and how different my life is since then. Tony, one of my favorite grownups ever, commented that hes amazed at much I've changed and how much better of a spot I am now than I was then. 4 years ago I was pregnant, 4 years ago, I lived in a dorm, I lost the baby and I had a nonexistent relationship that sucked. I dropped out of school and couldn't even shower in the morning; I had no motivation for anything at all. Now I'm close to finishing grad school, am married, have a baby on the way and the most supportive and amazing husband and family that I could ever ask for. I am truely happy being where I am, although I appreciate where I was to get to here.
I stopped at Friendlys (again) on the way home and Gail was there! After a quick ice cream sundae with Fallyn, I was on my way home.
Now Im going to get personal agian so if you don't wanna read about my sex life, skip ahead, or stop reading, whatever.
I have hit that point where I feel gross, like too gross for sex. I feel better than I ever thought I would pregnant, I feel good, but I dont feel attractive. It's a different sort of good. Like an accomplishment, acheivement, or something bigger than me good but I hate looking at myself naked right now. My stomach is huge, I have stretch staples I call them.. not a big line but like purple spots on my belly. Eww. Couple that with feeling bloated and a bit of excess gas, being uncomfortable laying on my back and yea, sex isnt really happening. David and I are still intimate, showers, back rubs, etc but thats it. It obviously makes me a little edgy/nervous because how crappy of a wife would I be? Guys like sex and if you're not giving it... I know David would never cheat on me. I am 110% sure of that fact but its something to stress over so I figure why not...
.... I curled up in bed content last night. Happier than a day I can remember lately. Not that I am unhappy but yesterday was just especially happy. I'm a very lucky person. <3
I also got a text from Old Navy for 30% off my whole purchase. I'm not going to be in maternity clothes forever so I've been looking at all the flowy tops and tank tops that I can wear while prego and afterwards while my body readjusts. I went to the mall and bought 8 new shirts for the spring. It started at $73 but after sale prices it was $42 and with my bonus 30%, it was a whopping $29!!! Im so good sometimes that I disgust myself. I visited David at work and a priving error at Stop and Shop's gas pump got me gas for $3.33 a gallon. Still disgusting but less disgusting than the 3.47 it should have been.
Add in naptime with the puppies and the day was already amazing by 3 pm. But it wasn't over yet. I had plans at 6 in Bridgewater to reunite with some Belize travelers for dinner. Since I was heading up there I wanted to go up early to stop at the Middleboro and Bridgewater Friendly's. Gail, at Mboro has been asking me constantly on Facebook when I was going to come in so she could see the bump so I figured I'd cross my fingers that she was there. Of course, I got there at 5 and she wasn't scheduled until 6 so I went up 18. I stopped at Cake in a Box to get a Guinness cupcake for David (since yesterda was the last day for them, being the week of St. Pattys) and went to Bwater Friendlys. The GM's have to work either a midshift, like 11-8 or 12-9, or close so I knew if I went around 5, Chris would be there.. I LOVE Chris. She was in Mboro with me, shes the reason I started working in Bwater, ya, and I havent seen her since I left that store in November. So needless to say it was amazing to see her.
Dinner at Barrett's was delicious and it was wonderful seeing people I had such amazing memories with in Belize. It's crazy to think thats where I was 4 years ago and how different my life is since then. Tony, one of my favorite grownups ever, commented that hes amazed at much I've changed and how much better of a spot I am now than I was then. 4 years ago I was pregnant, 4 years ago, I lived in a dorm, I lost the baby and I had a nonexistent relationship that sucked. I dropped out of school and couldn't even shower in the morning; I had no motivation for anything at all. Now I'm close to finishing grad school, am married, have a baby on the way and the most supportive and amazing husband and family that I could ever ask for. I am truely happy being where I am, although I appreciate where I was to get to here.
I stopped at Friendlys (again) on the way home and Gail was there! After a quick ice cream sundae with Fallyn, I was on my way home.
Now Im going to get personal agian so if you don't wanna read about my sex life, skip ahead, or stop reading, whatever.
I have hit that point where I feel gross, like too gross for sex. I feel better than I ever thought I would pregnant, I feel good, but I dont feel attractive. It's a different sort of good. Like an accomplishment, acheivement, or something bigger than me good but I hate looking at myself naked right now. My stomach is huge, I have stretch staples I call them.. not a big line but like purple spots on my belly. Eww. Couple that with feeling bloated and a bit of excess gas, being uncomfortable laying on my back and yea, sex isnt really happening. David and I are still intimate, showers, back rubs, etc but thats it. It obviously makes me a little edgy/nervous because how crappy of a wife would I be? Guys like sex and if you're not giving it... I know David would never cheat on me. I am 110% sure of that fact but its something to stress over so I figure why not...
.... I curled up in bed content last night. Happier than a day I can remember lately. Not that I am unhappy but yesterday was just especially happy. I'm a very lucky person. <3
March 15, 2011
So I know that I've made comments before that I have been CRAVING a watermelon margarita. My craving has gone crazy though... I want anything watermelon: watermelon Fruit Sensation gum, watermelon sherbert, actual watermelon.
Sunday night I bought a baby watermelon at the store and I just cut it up. Cut up a fresh pineapple and 2 kiwis and made a little fruit salad! he's very lucky that I am "in season" for the watermelon or he would be screwed...
So my weird pregnancy cravings are up to 2:
- watermelon
- McD's chicken nuggets with sweet and sour sauce
I guess it could be worse...
Sunday night I bought a baby watermelon at the store and I just cut it up. Cut up a fresh pineapple and 2 kiwis and made a little fruit salad! he's very lucky that I am "in season" for the watermelon or he would be screwed...
So my weird pregnancy cravings are up to 2:
- watermelon
- McD's chicken nuggets with sweet and sour sauce
I guess it could be worse...
Happiness & Reassurance
I had a very busy weekend. Mostly work but busy nonetheless. I won't bore you with my crappy details but I will give you the highlights...
1. I went to work on Friday night, pulled out my serving book and found $131 dollars from last Saturday that I never took out and was pleasently surprised to find! I know its not "free money" but it sure felt like it!
2. On Saturday, while I was at work, Mom called me to let me know that our family friends Stephanie and Jim had 2 tickets to Elton John that they could not use. Elton is David's FAVORITE ever. He would joke about us naming our first child Elton. He's serioously obsessed. He had the day off because he was at Lakey's house doing their fantasy baseball draft. He was so excited when I called him, he called my mom and an hour later he was in the restuarant to kiss me and say thank you/bye. not only did he get free tickets but then they ended up upgrading his seats to the floor! The traffic was so bad leaving that Lakey and David ducked into the first bar they could find and ordered a few drinks. After that, they relaized they were sitting in a gay bar (or so they say, I'm pretty sure they knew ahead of time). He had an aamzing night and was acting like a little kid showing me all of his pictures and telling me stories. I love that he was able to have such a wonderful night.
3. I know everyone has read my posts about how much a despise one of my managers. She's not very bright and seriously should not be in a position of power above me or get paid more than I do but whatever, she's gone now. Yesterday was her last day. Walking into work last night (to cover her shift) was easily the most relaxing shift I've ever worked. I seriously enjoy my job now and I don't stress about having to deal with her. AMAZING weight lifted off my shoulders.
So that's 3 really great things that made my weekend...
Yesterday I went to Tobey for my Gestational Diabetes Screening. You have to drink 12 oz of this orange drink in less than 5 minutes, wait and hour and then draw blood to see how you and the baby are processing it. The drink tasted like one of those super sweet teeny juice drinks that you used to LOVE when you were a little kid. The coldness and the sugar, having to consume it that quickly gave me a headache so I wandered up to the maternity waiting room (they have couches), grabbed a maagzine and snuggled up for the hour. They took four tubes of blood and I was on my way. When I left the hospital it was snowing!
Time out.
Ok so before I can go on, I have to backtrack. My friend Jenny is also pregnant. Her due date passed last week and she had no complications whatsoever during her entire pregnancy. There was no sign of stress on the baby and the doctors said she was good and if she didn't go into labor they would induce her this week. Well she went into labor, sat through 10 hours of it, had to have a last minute c-section, ended up having to go to the ICU because her pulse was raised and the baby and her were seperated. BUT everythign was fine going into labor. So obvioulsy it made me nervous. Anytime someone tells me a horror story about labor and think "please God, not me" and was a little on edge going to my GDS test.
Ok... back to the snow...
It was snowing as I left the hospital. In the middle of March. With no forecast at all saying we would be getting snow. Meredith, who you've read about before Loved crazy weather. Snow, rain, hurricanes, you name it. There was a blizzard on her birthday and torrential rain on the memorial of her passing. She does crazy things with the weather up there in the sky. Well I am convinced the snow was from her. I needed reassurance and she gave it to me. Call it a coincidence, call it crazy but I'll call it reassurance.
1. I went to work on Friday night, pulled out my serving book and found $131 dollars from last Saturday that I never took out and was pleasently surprised to find! I know its not "free money" but it sure felt like it!
2. On Saturday, while I was at work, Mom called me to let me know that our family friends Stephanie and Jim had 2 tickets to Elton John that they could not use. Elton is David's FAVORITE ever. He would joke about us naming our first child Elton. He's serioously obsessed. He had the day off because he was at Lakey's house doing their fantasy baseball draft. He was so excited when I called him, he called my mom and an hour later he was in the restuarant to kiss me and say thank you/bye. not only did he get free tickets but then they ended up upgrading his seats to the floor! The traffic was so bad leaving that Lakey and David ducked into the first bar they could find and ordered a few drinks. After that, they relaized they were sitting in a gay bar (or so they say, I'm pretty sure they knew ahead of time). He had an aamzing night and was acting like a little kid showing me all of his pictures and telling me stories. I love that he was able to have such a wonderful night.
3. I know everyone has read my posts about how much a despise one of my managers. She's not very bright and seriously should not be in a position of power above me or get paid more than I do but whatever, she's gone now. Yesterday was her last day. Walking into work last night (to cover her shift) was easily the most relaxing shift I've ever worked. I seriously enjoy my job now and I don't stress about having to deal with her. AMAZING weight lifted off my shoulders.
So that's 3 really great things that made my weekend...
Yesterday I went to Tobey for my Gestational Diabetes Screening. You have to drink 12 oz of this orange drink in less than 5 minutes, wait and hour and then draw blood to see how you and the baby are processing it. The drink tasted like one of those super sweet teeny juice drinks that you used to LOVE when you were a little kid. The coldness and the sugar, having to consume it that quickly gave me a headache so I wandered up to the maternity waiting room (they have couches), grabbed a maagzine and snuggled up for the hour. They took four tubes of blood and I was on my way. When I left the hospital it was snowing!
Time out.
Ok so before I can go on, I have to backtrack. My friend Jenny is also pregnant. Her due date passed last week and she had no complications whatsoever during her entire pregnancy. There was no sign of stress on the baby and the doctors said she was good and if she didn't go into labor they would induce her this week. Well she went into labor, sat through 10 hours of it, had to have a last minute c-section, ended up having to go to the ICU because her pulse was raised and the baby and her were seperated. BUT everythign was fine going into labor. So obvioulsy it made me nervous. Anytime someone tells me a horror story about labor and think "please God, not me" and was a little on edge going to my GDS test.
Ok... back to the snow...
It was snowing as I left the hospital. In the middle of March. With no forecast at all saying we would be getting snow. Meredith, who you've read about before Loved crazy weather. Snow, rain, hurricanes, you name it. There was a blizzard on her birthday and torrential rain on the memorial of her passing. She does crazy things with the weather up there in the sky. Well I am convinced the snow was from her. I needed reassurance and she gave it to me. Call it a coincidence, call it crazy but I'll call it reassurance.
March 2, 2011
It's March, seriously, March.
Does that scare the hell out of anyone else?
March is weird to me. I don't know; I knew it was coming but it came reeeeeeally fast. March means midterms are coming up. March means I hit the 7 month mark. It's the beginning of Spring and it feels like crunch-time.
March means my classes end in 2 months, 9 weeks and one of those weeks is spring break.
March means that I am officially 6 and half months pregnant and hit the 7 month mark in the middle of this month. My baby shower is in a month. A Month! Oh goodness! I remember talking to mom and thinking we were planning so early and we'd be completely ready by the time it was here and now, there's a month left. Still a long time but you know what I mean.
I've known I'm pregnant for 5 months now. 5 MONTHS!
I know I'm pretty much just freaking out about the date but it's scary. May is in 2 months and baby can come anytime then. Lots of baby's come early and I want to be ready just in case. 2 months does not seem like much time considering 5 just flew by.
Does that scare the hell out of anyone else?
March is weird to me. I don't know; I knew it was coming but it came reeeeeeally fast. March means midterms are coming up. March means I hit the 7 month mark. It's the beginning of Spring and it feels like crunch-time.
March means my classes end in 2 months, 9 weeks and one of those weeks is spring break.
March means that I am officially 6 and half months pregnant and hit the 7 month mark in the middle of this month. My baby shower is in a month. A Month! Oh goodness! I remember talking to mom and thinking we were planning so early and we'd be completely ready by the time it was here and now, there's a month left. Still a long time but you know what I mean.
I've known I'm pregnant for 5 months now. 5 MONTHS!
I know I'm pretty much just freaking out about the date but it's scary. May is in 2 months and baby can come anytime then. Lots of baby's come early and I want to be ready just in case. 2 months does not seem like much time considering 5 just flew by.
3 More Books.
I read three more books for the 50 Book Challenge! I'm still using the books I need to for my school assignemnts but I can not wiat until May when class is over and I can read whatever I feel like.
Most people are famniliar with Devil's Arithmetic and Catcher In The Rye so I wont waste time with those but you absolutely MUST go read Stargirl. It's a middle school level book (because that's what I'm studying...) about a girl who moves into town, starts at a new high school, is ridiculed for her behaviors, changes who she is to fit in, and ultimately changes back to be true to herself. It's a heartwarming little story told from the persepctive of the boy who falls in love with her. I read it in a day, without any issues; it's a quick read but seriously makes you question: Are you who you want to be?
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Home Update - 1 year in!
We're a year in the house and we've been making our way through each room. I feel like every project takes so long and each project...